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allergy meds with lexapro?

i am currently taking lexapro (depression/anxiety) and seasonique (birth control pills)
i was wondering if anyone could offer advice on allergy meds that do not cause drowsiness or dry mouth/throat?
my eyes tend to get really red itchy and sore..sometimes puffy. and my skin gets dry and flaky and itchy. i get breakouts frequently also. i noticed this since ihave been taking these meds. i usually break out only when i begin my menstrual cycle, but i have been spotting and bleeding since i have had my last period and the sensitivity with my skin has not gone away . i really prefer not to take any meds than what i am taking. if there are any creams other than oral medications please feel free to share.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Dry skin is a common side effect of lexapro while other symptoms that you have mentioned are frequent side effects of seasonique.Pls discuss these adverse effects with your doctor and shift to some other birth control measure.

You can apply some antiitch cream like antihistaminic cream on the itchy rashes but oral antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin will be more effective.These are available over the counter.Application of calamine lotion and mild corticosteroid cream will help in providing soothness and relief to the skin.For the eyes,you can take some steroid eye drops but firstly pls consult an allergist/ophthalmologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted if you have any additional queries
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hi thanks so much!
i actually do have another question. my dr suggested i take the seasonique mainly for hormonal purposes not for the purpose of birth control but since i have been taking it it has not effected my moods or anxiety and i feel emotionally the same. just my skin and then the bleeding is what i got out of it. i keep breaking out. i usually only breakout during my periods but i haven't had any relief with breakouts. and they are not zits caused by dirt i noticed it is more of an irritation or an allergy..
so my question is other than birth control is there any type of hormonal treatments that can help regulate your hormones when you get your period?
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