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almost given up on medicines as they dont seem to work

i have a very very persistent sinus allergy. nose blocks all the time over a year now and getting worse! i have been prescribed all this **** and none of it seems to work. all i have is my nose that gets blocked so often that i have to breathe with mouth and also have a permanent sore throat. currently in indiana. If someone can give me professional advice or recommend a specialist it would be appreciated!!! As i think my condition keeps getting worse. also i smoke but the doctor tell me it has no relation to my allergies!(i'm quitting) and when i stop smoking it gets a looot worse as i have much more mucus coming. (seen doctors in both india and US) . everytime i go new medication which has no effect!!!! If my symtoms  show something the doctors have missed PLEASE let me know . also my mucus is the normal color (not yellow etc).
Azelastine Hyrdocholride and Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray- azeflo

Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray- Flixonase
Olopatadine Hyrdrocholride Tablets - winolap 5 (anti-histamine?)
Combitide 50 inhaler
Astelin (azelastine HCL) nasal spray

(all prescription free medication mucinex,sudafed etc)

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You seem to be having allergic rhnitis or sinusitis.

Has a CT scan of the sinuses been done? This could be due to the post nasal drip that occurs associated with sinusitis or associated allergies.

You should try some steam inhalation and saline nasal drops along with oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms. You could also take some oral pain releif medications.

Are you allergic to any specific substances?

It is in fact a good idea to consult an allergy specialist and get a clinical evaluation.

You should consult your symptoms if your symptoms still persist. Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

Hope this helps.


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also have done x-ray of face which just shows congestion. and that respiratory test which shows i'm a borderline asthmatic!
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