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been sick for 2 months now and I can't get any help!

OK I have been sick for 2 months now. I have had a cough, shortness of breath, watery eyes, chills, and a low grade fever on and off. I have been to my doctor several times just for him to brush me off and say it is anxiety. I am very familiar with my body and I know when something is wrong! The mucus I am coughing up is clear. When I wake up the stuff I spit out is green. I have been anorexic for 5 years now. I don't know of that can make it harder for me to heal though? The urgent care said it was allergic bronchitis? Also I got a new kitten about 2 months ago as well.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament.
Fever and cough with sputum indicate an infection of the lower respiratory tract. You need antibiotics to tackle the infection. Sometimes, certain infections like tuberculosis can cause an evening rise of temperature and increased sweating. This also causes a loss of appetite; as such this is accompanied by weight loss. So, record your temperatures, on a two hourly basis to detect an evening rise of temperature.  Please check with your doctor to rule out this condition.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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535822 tn?1443976780
it may also be environmental allergies ...ask for a heavy metal toxicity test
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Wouldnt an infection like that show in blood work though?
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I am also waiting on a sputum result. I gave it Friday so now it is just the waiting game. Also every antibiotic I take makes me itch!!
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I have a question.  You said all the antibiotics make you itch.  Do you
have any breathing problem, also??  I am having a breathing problem with
all meds and the doctors said to me there is little they can do.  So I know
how you feel when the doctors just throw up their arms.  Did they give you an alternative as to how they would get the antibioidics in you?

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No, they didn't. I don't have a hard time breathing when I am taking them, I am just feel short of breath any ways.
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I went to the pulmonologist on Monday I have to have a CT of the chest, and a alpha 1 test to test for genetic emphysema  
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The likelihood of an infection will show up in blood tests. If the lymphocytes are raised its most probably due to tuberculosis, here the ESR is also raised. Acute lung infections usually cause an elevation of neutrophils. Have lung function tests been done? This could provide further insight into the problem.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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