97615 tn?1212678589

cholinergic urticaria/hives

I have exercise induced urticaria.  I want to know if anyone else has this and if so what causes it and what can you do to control it without a prescription.  I am desperate.  I am a runner that does not want a prescription.  I suffer from asthma and the hives are worse when my asthma is worse.  I am not taking anything for asthma except for an inhaler at the moment.  I am tired of depending on drugs.  I know that may sound ignorant but I want to help myself to help itself if you know what I mean.
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Cholinergic urticaria is a subcategory of physical urticaria (aka hives) that is a skin rash brought on by a hypersensitive reaction to body heat. Symptoms follow any stimulus to sweat such as exercise (sometimes called exercise-induced urticaria), heat from the sun (which could also indicate solar urticaria), saunas, hot showers (reaction to water can also indicate water urticaria), spicy foods which may cause an increase in body temperature or even stress due to blushing or anger. Some people only have symptoms during the winter months where their body temperature rises when it is unacclimatized to heat.
The rash typically develops within a few minutes of a rise in body temperature but can take longer to appear visibly on the skin. The visible rash is often preceded by a general warming of the skin or itchiness. The hives last from a half an hour to several hours with a mean time of 80 minutes, with the duration often contingent on the severity of the outbreak.
Cholinergic urticaria can be very difficult to treat. Most treatment plans for cholinergic urticaria involve being aware of one's triggers.
Drug treatment is typically in the form of antihistamines,H2-receptor antagonists such as cimetidine.
As the disease may be physiological in origin, psychological treatments such as stress management can sometimes lessen severity and occurrence.
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540397 tn?1213887778
Hello My Fellow Itchers,

Lately I have had a lot going on.  We just moved from Colorado to Ohio to be with my husbands family, I am an RN and it took 2 months to even get my nursing license here, I still can't find a job that will hire me right away... So I've got a lot of stressors here.  I started to break out about 2 weeks ago after being attacked by bugs when we went camping.  I thought that the new hives were from mosquitos that were getting me in our house and when I let the dogs out - but I started covering myself up and using "Off" and kept getting them.  Then they started in huge clusters underneath my clothing and started to merge together to form COLOSSIAL sized ones.  I always thought that "nerves" causing things were kind of a cop-out for symptoms, but now I know better.  Trying to control it with Hydrocortisone 1% (ineffective), triaminaclone (effective for 10-30 seconds), daily doses of Zyrtec 10mg + Benadryl 25-50mg (effective but makes me too sleepy - at least I get some good rest and the hives are totally resolved when I wake).  I am just sick of medicine and itching already.  Totally frightened that it will still plague me after I start working.  Can't believe there isn't an easier solution.  No sense in even going to a doc.
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I also have it. I got it when i was nine i've had it for seven years.I'm not sure if i'ts a more severe disease or not, every time i run or exercise my eyes swell, it takes two days for it to go down,i also break out in a rash, which lasts a couple of hours. i have tried zyrtec and claritin,and other meds, but nothing seems to be working.
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Hey everyone. I've had these rashes for about three years and I only recently started taking medications but reading these comments is making me wonder if theres a point because I've been extremelly exausted from the hydroxyz hcl. I really want this to end, it' has interfered with my life in so many different ways. I use to run and work out a lot, as I see most of you have as well, but I completely stopped because I noticed that the more I sweat, the more spots come out.

I've read somewhere that UV light might be a solution? Is that possible? Does anyone have any experience with that?

Also, if you have had this condition and it did go away, tell how, if it slowly disappeared or it just all together just never came back?  It seems like such a leisure to never have this ever again.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Can I join the itch club? I first got the Itch after Dental treatment I thought something like the Numbing agent caused it ,it lasted the first time for a year mostly neck area and some on the arms, went away, came back 4 weeks ago again with Dental work, the Dentist says No not anything he did or gave me , put me on antibiotics!! I have noticed a definate pattern to it, I dont exercise like you guys, OK I am lazy nowadays! but even if I get warm like tying now it flares up, I also think mine is Solar induced as I live in a pretty warm area of CA and it is worse now.Yup I have tried all you have every cream ,pill, potion on the Planet, the drug companys should award me for buying all their products,nothing has helped in fact their drugs sometimes make it worse.I guess I will have to put up with it for another 7 years.if I   place a cold wet cloth on the site for relief,that helps.
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I have had this for approximately 8 years.  Very debilitating as when I get warm, just sitting outside, running errands, going in and out of a/c.  It gets so bad that my throat, eyes, lips, tongue & ears even swell.  The throat swelling started about 4 years ago and my epi pen definately helps halt the progression.

I take Zyrtec every day for the itch and a couple of benedryls before my workout but still manage to scare everyone in the gym.

MY SAVING GRACE - Last year, for totally unrelated reasons, I was prescribed 10 mg progesteron.  From some of the things I've seen on the internet, it can re-set the mast cells.  I was red-free, itch-free, rash-free for about 6 months.  My doctor and I are repeating the treatment as we speak to see if it works again.  I'll let you know.  I felt truly liberated for those 6 months!
robin/kansas city
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