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chronic dry itchy cough and shortness of breath

hi, im been having having an itchy dry cough and shortness of breath for more then 2 months now.
i'ven been to doctors countless times now.
and everymoring i get a runny and stuffed nose.
first i went to a local clinic , the doctor say he suspects its asthma, gave me an inhaler, didn't have an effect on the syptoms at all. Then i went to a private doctor, he said it is allergies + post nasal drip.
gave me a spray for my nose and a weak allergie medication.
my nose an coughing got a bit better on the nose spray but just a bit. then it contiuned.
last week i went to a big hospital, got a chest x-ray done.he said it was normal. the doctor there said he suspects its the acid in my stomach(what does that have to do with shortness of breath??)
i asked him if its allergies and he said it might be  and ended up giving me lots of medication for my stomach......and a stronger allergie medication then before.
and th syptoms persists... whats wrong with me ? this is really getting really fustrating coughing all day .
im 18 and no big sickness... the most serious i got was bronchties last summer with high fever, thats it
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You are suffering from allergic bronchitis. Start with tablet cetrizine 1 tablet twice daily for 15 days; table ranitidine 1 tablet after dinner for 7 days and capsule amoxy-clav thrice daily for 7 days. Avoid smoking.
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I have been coughing for 7 weeks now.  I just woke up one morning with a cough no other symptoms.  For 4 weeks it was just an annoying, very dry, unproductive cough, I felt perfectly fine.  The strange thing is that I do not cough AT ALL when I am lying down.  Then one morning I woke up and felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest and shortness of breath.  I went to the Doctor and was diagnosed with bronchitis.  She did an inebulizer (sp?) in her office that day, started me on a Z-Pack, Allegra and Singulair.  At my week follow-up appointment I was not really doing any better so she added Prednisone and Flonase.  Four days later in the afternoon I began coughing uncontrollably and could not breathe and ended up in the ER.  They immediately saw me and drew blood.  The blood test came back positive and they felt that I had a blood clot on my lung.  They also ran a TB test.  They ruled out the blood clot, prescribed Benzonatate and said that I just had a virus and should go home and rest.  3 days later I went back to my Doctor for a follow-up and a reading from the TB test.  The TB test was negative and she did a pertussis screening and sent me for a pulmonary function test.  I still do not have the results back from the pertussis screening but the pulmonary function test is perfectly normal.  I still do not cough AT ALL when I am lying down but when I am up and moving around I cough almost continually.  My cough is very dry and hard (I have to wear panty liners at all times because I wet a little everytime I cough).  I am not as bad as I was the day that I was in the ER but I am FAR from feeling normal.  Any help as to where to go from here....I am very frustrated.  If it is just a virus why is no one around me getting sick and I have not heard of anyone around me going through the same thing?
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