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coated tongue because of amoxicillin?

i am having a coated tongue a few hours after an intake of amoxicillin 500mg and my tongue is still coated for more than 3 days now there is bleeding when i try to clean my tounge with a toothbrush
how long will my coated tongue last? and i am also thinking is this possible symptom of std since i had unprotected sex 5 weeks ago and what std could it be?
10 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
You might be developing thrush, a not uncommon result of taking antibiotics. Rinse your moth thoroughly three or four times a day with salt water. That raises the pH and makes your mouth inhospitable to the organism that causes thrush (Candida albicans)..
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi neoblack and welcome to the forum.

While allmymarbles' recommendation makes sense for raising your PH levels
(more alkaline) in regards to your possible thrush, the saline solution may be inflamming and irritating your bleeding tongue further.
I would do a few "Oil Pulling" treatments, using extra virgin coconut oil.
Just look it up for details, or let me know if you need details.
EVCO is the greatest anti-fungal agent as well possesing anti-microbial, anti-parasitic and anti-viral properties. Check it out at the coocnut research center
website. And it is VERY soothing!
You could follow this treatment with ingesting a teaspoon of EVCO(up to 2 T
daily to start and work up to 4T daily max. after 4 weeks.)
Or you could replace your pro-inflammatory cooking oils with EVCO, as it won't
alter with heat and still giving you all the benefits.

Wish you well!
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757137 tn?1347196453
I used the walt water rinses after finding that the fungicide they gave me  in the hospital didn't work. It took only three days to get the thrush under control using salt water rinses. No irritation - quite the opposite. Doctors aren't taught old-fashioned and simple cures. Salt doesn't put money in the druggist's pocket.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
I remain unconvinced that the salt remedy is best for a BLEEDING tongue.
"... more than 3 days now there is bleeding.."
It's probably fine and should help the thrush under normal conditions.

I agree and I'm all for o/f and natural cures such as the one I suggested, which is from traditional ayurvedic medicine.

All good!

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thanks for your tips
im trying rinsing with salt water now and i can see some improvements hope this will totally remove the thrush
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757137 tn?1347196453
It would also help if you cut back on sweets and other acidic foods.
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1530171 tn?1448129593

A study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found that 100% of women diagnosed with thrush,
also had Candida in their gut.

Should this be the case here, my suggestion for a comprehensive approach is:
  1. Anti-Candida diet.
  2. Prebiotics and Probiotics of highest quality you can afford.
  3. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil , taken as explained in my previous post.

In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (I'm a Study Buff)
the effectiveness of virgin coconut oil was compared against Fluconazole
- a commonly prescribed antifungal- in treatment of 52 different species
of Candida.
The coconut oil killed all the species and was as effective or better than the Fluconazole.
It was most effective against Candida Albicans, being twice as effective as Fluconazole.

You may still try the saline rinse, if the level of irritation and inflammation
on the tongue is acceptable, as a topical symptom treatment option.

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757137 tn?1347196453
Fluconazole, and other fungicides, are a temporary fix. Ultimately the resistant organisms take over and you are back where you started. Also, there are nasty side effects.For systemic candidiasis, perhaps the best weapon is oil of oregano.  Lugol's solution is also beneficial. To keep the condtion from recurring requires a change in diet. The salt water rinses are  helpful for local treatment of thrush. Nystatin, which is commonly prescribed for thrush, I found to be useless.
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Thank you for the natural remedy suggestion. The last thing I want is more drugs!! I have just tried the saltwater mouth rinse and gargle. I have been on amoxicillin 500 mg for seven days and now have a very red burnt feeling tongue with white spots at the back of it. I will let you know how it works! It is also suggested that you avoid hot spicy foods, allow hot drinks to cool slightly and avoid acidic citrus fruits. I have also been eating live culture yoghurt to try and return some of the good bacteria that the amoxicillin will have wiped out.
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Thank you for the natural remedy suggestion. The last thing I want is more drugs!! I have just tried the saltwater mouth rinse and gargle. I have been on amoxicillin 500 mg for seven days and now have a very red burnt feeling tongue with white spots at the back of it. I will let you know how it works! It is also suggested that you avoid hot spicy foods, allow hot drinks to cool slightly and avoid acidic citrus fruits. I have also been eating live culture yoghurt to try and return some of the good bacteria that the amoxicillin will have wiped out.
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