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cough, throwing up mucus, no fever

My daughter is 2 yr.old and has been choking on her food since she began eating solid food at the age of 12 months or so.  For the last 3 weeks or so, she vomits quite frequently sometimes violently what appears to be mucus and sometimes we think alot is getting ready to come out and only a little or none comes. We thought it was a virus but are unsure since it has been so long (3 wks.)  She has no fever, and as soon as she finishes throwing up, she appears to be back to normal. Any help is appreciated.
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179332 tn?1273247359
It sounds like you need to take your daughter to a doctor.  When a child has a problem with keeping food down - it's something to be taken rather seriously.  Since it doesn't seem that your daughter shows signs of any allergic reaction leading up to or after vomiting then a pediatrician or gastro physician would be my first suggestion...Keep us posted!!
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Have you consulted a pediatrician for your daughter's symptoms as yet?

Well i think you should consult a pediatrician at the earliest and rule out Tracheoesphageal fistula.

The symptoms you mention point towards that. It is a birth defect with the trachea connected to the esophagus.

Do let us know what her doctor advises.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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