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Headache, tight jaw

Hello there

I live in the Caribbean and I dont have access to the best health care.  My sister-in-law who is a doctor in the US told me my symptoms could be because of sinuses and I was wondering if that could be true.

I have headaches, it feels like my head is under pressure around the forehead and the sides of my head and sometimes on the top of my head. My jaw feels tight sometimes and so does my throat. My tonsils are a little inflammed. Please give me some advice.
4 Responses
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It could be a sinus infection, migraine, or even TMJ.  My guess would be  a sinus infection.  TMJ might be the easiest to experiment with first under your conditions, and it wouldn't hurt anything.  See if a chiro can adjust your jaw.  I was amazed at how quickly my headache, neck and shoulder pain went away after one adjustment - less than 10 minutes.  I am very serious.  I only recommend chiros for musculo-skeletal isssues.  I highly recommend them as somethinge to try for TMJ and sciatic nerve issues.  Other that, I pretty much stay away from them.

It might be both TMJ and  a sinus infection though.  

Feel better.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey vincyman.
Welcome to the forum.

Your sinuses are just another symptom.
The possible underlying issues of sinuses
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1530171 tn?1448129593

Sorry, I hit the submit button by mistake. Something came up!
I 'll continue another time (soon I hope).
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum,  headache needs a detailed evaluation. Most common cause of headache would be presence of infection esp. sinusitis. The other important causes are migraine, cluster headache which is usually seen in front and tension headache.

Hence, to diagnose careful history is important like any concomitant other symptoms, a thorough physical examination, neuroimaging with computed tomography (CT) or MRI as well as of sinuses, to rule out any congenital malformations, Cranial infections, Trauma, Neoplasms or Vascular disorders. Lab investigations like complete blood count to rule out anemia, and thyroid function test to rule out hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Appropriate Antibiotics are required if bacterial infection suspected. If nasal septum deviated, then correction is needed and nasal endoscopic procedures may be mandatory in case of persistent symptoms.

I suggest you to consult ENT specialist for further evaluation. Take care and regards.
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