784382 tn?1376931040

dizziness?allergirs?sinus?? HELP!!!

feb 19th 2010 i woke up dizzy and didnt know why, it was my sister wedding and i thought maybe just nerves. i took sea sick meds (wedding was on a yacht) and it helped a little bit.

after a few weeks it didnt go away and it scared me so much that i didnt want to go anywhere thinking i would get dizzy. I went to my GP and she looked and said i looked fine, called for blood work and told me to go to a neurologist. blood work came back NORMAL. I went back to her cause i was a little upset that she didnt even think about a ear infection, or anemia, just wanted me to go straight to a neurologist ( freaked me out bad), she gave me another check up and said she saw "something" in my ear, my ears having been feeling "full" but no pain, gave me nasonex nasal spray and said go see and ENT

the dizziness got very bad one night so i went to the ER and they did a catscan and said everything was fine, sent me home with meclizine, and that worked prettty well.

went to ENT  for an allergy test, allergic to cockroaches,dust, and feathers but nothing serious and i was BARELY allergic to those, didnt itch, didnt swell up....nothing...

also had a VNG balance test done....put the funny goggles on me to record the eye movement, made my follow a laser with my eyes, blew warm and cold air in both of my ears.......didnt get dizzy at all..i was told do not to take any meds for 24 before the test.....everyday before the VNG test i would take about 2 or 3 sea sick/meclizine pills a day just to make it through the day....got through the test just fine, and havent took a pill since then and it been about 2 weeks almost 3......

the past few days i have gotten sick, im guessing with a sinus infection, cause i cant breathe, i have crazy sinus pressure like you wouldnt believe and nothing is helping except afrin nasal spray and i know that stuff is no good for the nose. no sore throat. no coughing....its all in my sinuses,nasal drip, headache...and i believe my ears too cause everytime i swallow my ears are clicking like crazy.....pretty annoying........

so the dizziness seems to come on hard as i think about it too....which makes me think some anxiety, which i never had before.....im 25 college student...should be feeling the best of my life!!

even today i woke up with this dizziness,lightheaded,floating feeling, and very clammy all over.....i dont know what to do anymore an di feel helpless.....im really strgulling with this...and nobody has answers......IM SCARED

anyone have any advise as to what to do now?...i see your all pretty much going thru the same struggle as me.......hope you all the best
10 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there are many possibilities of dizziness and other associated symptoms like dehydration, anemia, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, motion sickness etc. Some time there may be a history of vertigo or some neurological problem. Blow to vestibular apparatus or vestibular neuritis which may be responsible disequilibrium or imbalance. Due to this you may be having episode of vertigo associated with dizziness. This vertigo gets worse especially when you move your head.

You may have to undergo routine blood tests, blood sugar, BP monitoring, brain MRI to rule out any pathology. Meantime drinking lot of water and fruit juice, relaxation, fresh air will help you.

Your history also suggestive of allergic rhinosinusitis. This happens as soon one is exposed to allergen. Hay fever is related to environmental exposure to year-round, usually indoor, allergens such as dust mites, animal danders, and molds.

You need to get evaluated clinically as well as certain tests will be help to determine the cause. You also may need to undergo surgery for deviated nasal septum. This can relieve recurrent attacks of sinusitis and secondary infection.

You need to continue with Anti histaminic against prescription. Sometimes nasal sprays of corticosteroids are useful. Remember, symptoms can be controlled through medication, but you can't get rid of the allergy itself. Close the windows when you sleep. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
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784382 tn?1376931040
im going to see a neurologist on monday....do you think this is the right next step?
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I have several thoughts.  

One, as the doctor mentioned is allergies.  Allergies can cause inner ear issues and intermitant dizziness as congestion comes and goes.

The second is labaryntitis.  This is a virus that affects ballance.  When I had the nasty thing a few years ago, I couldn't stand liing in bed as I got so dizzy.  Meclizine was the only thing that helped.  Unfortunately, it also knocked me out for which I was thankful.  lol  Since the virus lasts up to 6 weeks, I was pretty miserable for a long time.  

With what you say your current symptoms are, I would recommend another trip to the ENT requesting a scope of your sinuses or regular doctor.  The neurologist seems a little over kill to me at the moment.  It sounds very much like a sinus and ear infection.  You may want to request a CT scan to rule out any masses though.  The CT would also signs of infection that might be missed with a normal exam.

Afrin is good as long as you use it no longer thant 3 - 5 days at a time.  Then not use it for the same amount of time.  Then you can repeat the cycle.  If you use it longer, you can experience "rebound" congestions sort of like being addicted to it.  Sinus rinses are also recommended by my doctors.  My allergist has me use the Afrin first, wait 5 minutes, use the Afrin again and wait five minutes and then do the rinse when I have congestion.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing and what the doctor says.

Take care and feel better.
God bless.
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784382 tn?1376931040
i had 2 cat scans and they came out clear

i went to eh ENT again today and he called for a MRI just incase, but he seems to think it is allergies as well.

would allergies be making me feel dizzy for so long? for months?
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784382 tn?1376931040
he also gave me some neilmed sinus rinse, naso nex, and astepro...told me he wants me to start allergy shots once a week, and go for some balance therapy to learn ways to stop dizziness

will this make the dizziness stop?
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You have my sympathies.

I am glad that you have had clear CT scans.  I doubt anything will be found in the MRI.

The sense of ballance is controlled by the cholea in the inner ear.  In people with allergies, the membranes in the ear can become inflamed, swollen and produce mucus just like other mucous membranes in the sinuses.  If your dizziness is from this, treating allergies should greatly reduce your symptoms.  Not to say that you will never experience them again.  Good grief, I take so much allergy medication (what you are on pluss a few more) I should never get a stuffy nose.  However, when my family has been outside and brings the pollen inside, my nose stuffs up so quickly and my eyes start watering it is hard to believe it.  After about 30 minutes, my nose starts draining and then I am fine again.  The episodes of dizziness should be short lived.

I absolutely love the NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle.  It sounds gross, but it works and feels so good to have a clean nose afterwards.  LOL  I have been on the Nasonex, but now I mix pulmacort into my sinus rinse bottle.  I can't use Astepro, but use Patanase instead.  They are in the same class of medications - nasal antihistamine sprays.  The newest Astepro actually makes me very stuffy for about five hours.  Shots should really help you.

Please keep us updated on your progress.

Take care and have a blessed day.
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784382 tn?1376931040
ty you so much for your information is it veryhelpful.
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Thank you.
I believe that I have lived what I have to share with other who are going throug similar probems, share may experiences , and encourage then that life will get get better.

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I have a severe case of vasomotor rhinitis. I suffer a lot with dizziness from odors. It doesn't matter what type of odor, if it irritating, then comes the dizziness. No medicine has helped me. My ears are fine, the dizziness is always brought by this disease. I'm considering having the Vidian Neurectomy. This surgery is a last result when medicine doesn't work. I'm SCARED!
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I read that you are having dizziness. I am also having come and go headaches as well as dizziness. I went to have a CT scan of my sinius since I've had two sinius surgerys in the past but they came back clear and good. The doctor mentioned allergies. He also told me to get a MRI of my brain to rule out any rumors of MS...that worried me! He told me not to be worried that more likely I don't but they do have to rule it out, what did they find out about you? Was it allergies? Because I am very worried,
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