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extreme sinus pressure/dizziness/hazy vision and etc

i thought the anxiety i had caused my problems, but now my anxiety is as undercontrol as can be and still no improvemtent.

it started with a moment of lapse ( about 15 mintues) while driving.  when I came to, I paniced.  Now everything is like look at bad tv reception.  I have sever pain on my mid forehead 24/7.  This also extends to my sinus area.  I get dizzy.  I am so afraid to drive because of the vision disturbances....so i dont.  This has been the case for just over 1 year now.  I cant even drive a couple of miles.  All problems are constant and bad is the norm....but it does occasionally get worse.  I have been on every anti depressant, sinus, anxiety, and migrane med out there with only slight help with the symptoms....but the hazy vision is still there.  Eyes are better than perfect so the doc says.  CTA scan is normal.  The diagnosises so far are anxiety, dry eye, post nasal drip, and migranes.  Each diagnoses has been reevaluated for the year span.  But nothing helps the vision and dizziness.  each specailist i see is aware of the others diagnosis.  Since my days are spent in a constant fog I can even remember important things anymore....Like my child's birth a few months ago.  No one will help me.  One doctor even told me to "Deal with it."  Please help...I am tired of staying at home and being the doctors giunea pig.
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Hi- I had similar driving/dizzy problems.  Also was dizzy and anxious when walking through large stores.  My ears felt kind of full.  My dr. gave me azithromican (some sort of antibiotic) and my dizziness seemed to go away after that.  It did get out of hand due to part anxiety but the anxiety (and dizziness) went away for the most part after I finished the medicine.  I also have astigmatism (very slightly) which can make me anxious when I drive if I think about it too much.  I can see perfectly but when I really focus in on something, the very edges are not clear.  I know you said your eyes were checked out to be normal but just another thing to put out there.  I hope you feel better soon
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Have you ever consulted a neurologist for your complaints? Going through the previous mails i would suggest you to schaedule an appointment with a neurologist and see what he/she has to say.

This is especialy because your symptoms include vision abnormalities with a normal eye check up and also you have not responded to te symptomatic medications prescribed.

Let us know how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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I have those same exact symptoms. Mine started about three weeks ago. In your vision do you see what looks like a mist when you look at darker objects?
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no not really
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Has the vitamin supplementation, steam inhaltion, saline nasal drops etc helped with your symptoms?

Let us know if you have any other doubts.

Yes, i am a doctor.

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Are you a doctor???  My CTA was normal.  I am currently on no meds
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How are you doing now?

Could you post the CT scan report to us here?

Let us know about what medications you are currently taking and if you have any other doubts.

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Yea I am going to a nutrionalist to have my hormone and vitamin levels tested.  As far as a Neuro......he said he couldnt help, he was baffeled, then referred me to a Neuro Optham.  that told me to (this is hilarious)  "Deal with it"  What kind of nut job Dr.  ( no offense to those doctors who try to help) says that without running any tests except, allbeit, a color blind test.  i mean ok you think im just some over anxoius person that is suffering from hypocondria, but my anxiety level has dropped by 50% at least since I have been doing cog. behavior therapy with the "attacking Anxiety" program.  And my symptoms have either stayed the same or gotten a little worse.  
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You could take vitamin supplements and review with your doctor if the symptoms persist or aggravate.

It would be good to consult aneurologist too about your symptoms, so that nothing is missed.

Keep us posted about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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yes to all.  I have been told its possible to be a vitamin b 12 def.  Its possible since I have had two kids in the past 3 yrs and the symptoms started after 1st preg. and progressed to horrible levels after the 2nd.  
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Have you tried steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and cetrizine or loratadine for your symptoms?

How are you doing now?

Has a CT scan of your sinuses been done?

Keep us posted,

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PPD                                 2  yr ago
panic attack                      1 yr
severe sinus pressure        1 yr
foggy head                        1yr
hazy vision                        1 yr
extreme light sensitive        1 yr
ringing ears                        2 months
dizziness                           2 months
migranes                            2 months
visual snow                        1 year

bp is usually normal  
usual blood workup...nothing extra
cta scan

ive been on effexor lexapro zoloft klonopin and others.  I have been on topomax dolgic antivert and several sinus sprays.  I am 27.  this started after i stopped effexor that was prescribed for PPD.  No GERD.  
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What is your age? I need you to explain your symptoms to us and also since when have you been having them.

What medications have you taken as yet? Has a chest xray, lung function test etc been done?

Is your blood pressure in the normal range? Do you have symptoms of GERD?

Let us know about the above details and post us about how you are doing.

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