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Hives and joint pain

I was looking for answers to an issue I'm having. I went in for a root canal and was given amoxicillin. Afterwards, I blew up with hives and swelling. My hands and feet were so swollen they hurt. My throat closed. I got steroids and the hives got better. Then the joint pain kicked in. My hands and right shoulder were so painful I couldn't use/move them. The symptoms would go away and return (the joint pain not hives). My shoulder hasn't bothered me lately but my hands and fingers still hurt. Did this happen to anyone and can you offer any advice? Thanks.
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This sounds like it has 100% to do with the Amoxicillin, and not Mono combined with Amoxicillin and so forth.  

Amoxicillin can cause joint pain although this is not a common side effect, but can occur and should NOT be permanent, but temporary.  

If this hasn't subsided, this definitely needs to be further investigated by your physician.  

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2212714 tn?1342258744
Yes. Had severe reaction to Amoxicillin. Hives/rash progressed from a lesser rash. Extreme weakness partially attributed to mono. I was informed
that the allergy to PCN does occur oddly enough when one has mono and take the Amoxicillin. Then I had the joint pain after a week in the hospital.
It was a migrating arthritis that sometime occurs with the drug reaction to
Penicillin. Could you have had Mono?

I do have Arthritis years later but ostoarthritis now. Good luck. I do remember that it took me a half a year to recover from the original joint pain
related to the drug reaction and Mono combination. However I am now 70
and my hands have only minor Arthritis. Of course I never took a PCN again! Any chance you have arthritis or Carpal Tunnel or DeQuirvains Syndrome in you hands. Both are treatable. So some good news and ideas I hope.  
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