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bumpy scalp

Help... my son is 6 and has mild asthma which is under control... problem  after he has any illness ( flu, fever etc) his scalp breaks out with very itchy bumps under the skin which he then scratches and they become horrible scabs.  They are small but annoying.  I took him to doctor thinking headlice or something but doc said no, these are caused by fatigue and prescribed nizoral shampoo.  Has anyone ever heard of this or have any suggestions.  He has no allergies that we are aware of.  
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Yes this is known and seen before. I think this may be due to some kind of dermatitis, perhaps a seborrheic kind. This is less seen in children, but not unknown.

Nizoral shampoo may actually help. However, you may want to wait for some time before you forma an opinion. allergy may also be a cause and there fore a reconsult may be recommended after a few days trial of this medication.

Hope this helped. Let me know if you may need more information.

Best regards
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...hello i am suffering this kind of itch on my head.Last dec.2011 i had my hair rebond just this febuary i could feel this on my head,it looks like dandruff but it‘s n0t just dandruff for it‘s  thick ...i just wanted to kn0w if it is because of the medicine from rebond,or had scalp allergy..hope you can help me.thanks
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