1335066 tn?1275588105

itching all over, HELP!!!!

This is not for me it is for my life partner, she is a 47 year old black female. We have been in 3 car accidents in 3 years, we both have chronic pain and take pain medication. I just lost my mother whom we were both extremly close to. The day after my mothers funeral i had to mona(my partner) to the hospital because of she couldnt breath and was having chest pains. They told us that her lungs wereseverly damaged from years of smoking etc, they prescribed her a steriod(medose pak) and atibiotic(leviquin), nexium and nicoderm cq. she has takin all of the medication now exept the nexium. Two days after completing her medication she began to itch. Now the attacts come on and in starts in her hands and goes all over her body. We have tried benidril, calamine lotion etc nothing seems to help. Can you please help us?
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Hi there,
She is probably allergic to the levaquin. I have taken it, and although I was not allergic, it is some VERY strong stuff. The doctors do not tell you, but if you read the long brochure that comes with the Rx, it tells you you can suffer everything from Spontaneous tendon rupture to severe allergic reactions. I suggest calling the Doc immediately and don't take another one. The steroid could be the only thing keeping her from having  an even worse reaction at this point. Also, go get some zyrtec or claritin, it is more effective than benadryl. Put some cortisone cream on the itchy spots, it is better than calamine. If it is starting in the hands and spreading it is a systemic allergic reaction and can become pretty bad. Don't wait, call the doctor.
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I am also itching all over. My doctor told me I was allergic to every medicine I was taking(5 of them).I have had to stop them but it did not help. The medicine that was prescribed for me is so strong I sleep for 15 hours at a time. After 9 weeks I am still itching and screaming, and pulling my hair out. I am waiting on an appointment with an allergist. I am 58 years old and never been allergic to anything, but in this world you never know what going to happen next.

I really recommend calling your doctor and tell him how it has effected your partner. He can prescribe a medicine to counteract the effect that it is having on her body. You do not want her going into shock which can happen with sever allergic reactions. If you can not  reach the doctor, call the druggist where you got the medicine from and he can tell you (maybe) how long it will take to get it out of her system and what is best to use for it.
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