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itchy, burning, flaking eye lids

My eyelid and the area above it and below my eyebrow is very itchy and flakey -- haven't found anything that helps.  Is there any kind of cream that will help without burning and making it worse?  It was diagnosed as egzama (sp), a long time ago, but the cream given to me made it worse and it eventually went away on its own...now it's back and driving me crazy!  Haven't started anything new.
2 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
Hi there -

I get this when I wear pink or pink-toned eye shadow.  Perhaps its just the coloring in something that is causing it.  

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168348 tn?1379357075

Welcome to our community.  I am not sure what to suggest as a mom to allergic kids I have plenty of experience but too much in the eczema arena.

Have you tried hypoallergenic non-soap products when washing your face like Cetaphil?  Also, not using a makeup remover and only water may help too ... if your eye makeup contains an allergin, it could be causing this reaction if you use makeup.  Just a thought.

Nothing worse than itchy, flaking eyes .. very painful and annoying I bet.

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