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low grade fever 1.5 years, any suggestions or help?!

Please help! I've had a low grade fever ranging from 99 to 101 for a year. It is every single day. Sometimes ibuprofen and tylenol won't break it. I've had labs for past year even including arthritis panel, hepatic panel, inflammation and your basic labs. Thyroid, even T3 and T4 tested for thyroid storms. I just recently had a CT of head and sinus, which revealed enlarged ventricles hut that was said to be genetic.  Everything comes back normal. A slight increase in my WBC count and decrease in TSH over year but there still in normal range. I stay fatigued. I have been allergy tested and take a shot a week because I was allergic to everything.  I take xyzal, singular,  and Concerta daily. None of these were started when fever appeared. I have recently developed a cough and a catch in my breathing when I try to speak. My vision is increasingly becoming more blurry, so bad that my son is complaining about it. TB skin test negative. Multiple UA's negative.  ANY SUGGESTIONS?
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Hello Carrie,

Welcome to the allergy forum. I see you joined Med help recently.
I am wondering if the fever is a side effect of one of the medications you are taking. You also stated that recently you developed a cough and that your vision is becoming more blurry. These could also be side effects of
one of the medications you are taking. There is an excellent website called www.drugs.com. where you can type in the name of the medications you take and read about their side effects. I have also used it to help other Med help members and for myself occasionally. Hope this has been helpful. I wish you well.  Eve
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No I just started the xyzal and Singulair 2 months ago and I've taken Concerta for 6 years now. The fever has been for 1.5years. I also asked allergist and she said that shouldn't be causing it. The cough we think is from allergy drainage because I live in the south and allergies are bad. The blurry vision started couple months after the new meds and Dr's don't think that there is any connection there, but thanks for the comment.  Let me know if you have anymore suggestions! !
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