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lubriderm reaction

What does the lotion "Lubriderm" contain that would cause an allergic reaction- redness swelling of hands & face- even palms?  I am confident that this was from the Lubriderm as I wiped off an excess of the lotion on the side of my cheek and my cheek was red and swelling.  My hands were worse as I had applied double the lotion when I started to itch -I thought it dryness due to the cold.

I have taken benadryl, the swellingof my face has ceased but my hands are red and blown up like a baloon and terribly itchy.

have you heard of this before with Lubriderm?
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I was wondering if anyone's had any itching in an area where they DIDN'T apply Lubriderm. I've been using the lotion for months now. I put it on my arms, legs, hands, and feet, but I've been having horrible itching and redness in the sensitive space between my chest and armpits. I don't apply anything there, but that's the only thing I can think of that would be causing this reaction...
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I had a severe reaction to Lubriderm back when I was in college in 1998/99.  I put some on my cheeks and woke up the next morning to my eyes swollen shut.  I somehow got off the top bunk, threw on a hat, and trudged across campus to health services where they totally wigged out.  They thought I shouldn't be breathing with the condition I was in.  Got one of those steroid blister packs where you take a bunch the first day and ween off in about 6 days.  My eyes were shut for 3 days.  Never touched the stuff ever again.
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I'm looking for answers to the Lubriderm lesions... and how to have skin that I don't want to scratch off...

Have you found any remedies?
Specifically, for itchy skin?
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A lawsuit? Really? I am allergic to peanuts and would never sue peanut farmers I just stay away from them. How about finding out which ingredient you may be allergic to and then avoid it? Or, just threaten to sue every company that uses that ingredient in thier lotion. Come to think of it, I should sue Jif and Skippy and all of the bakeries that use peanuts and of course Reese's....get the point? It's a medical condition you can take care of all by yourself.
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Another Lubriderm victim here, so glad I found this thread! Used the Lubriderm Soothing Relief 2 nights ago and woke up the next day with small red bumps all over my arms, stomach, chest and especially my back! Cannot stop itching. Took an oatmeal bath and some Benadryl last night with no relief. Guess I will be going to buy a cortisone or Benadryl cream and hoping that it starts clearing up!
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I had a severe allergic reaction to Lubriderm Advanced Therapy. So severe I almost went to the ER. Benadryl started working almost immediately and a prolonged cold shower with Aveeno soap also seemed to help. It was three days ago and I still have a rash in some places. I've never seen my palms get so hot and red before. Everyone needs to complain to Johnson & Johnson. I have & threatened a class action suit for endangering lives!
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