343006 tn?1314446471

medication for blood pressure allergic ?

My doctors say im very sensative to my blood pressure medications - I have been on over 14 diffrent types and brands
and can not tollerate them all.  
I have recent been put on two beta blockers at diffrent times each, I couldnt take them more than 8days each and had
to get off them due to problems itching skin and hives  and also nerves jitters and shakes and with one chest pains
angina happend..  I was instead of being put on a new medication put back on a old medicaton ccb verapamil - and spirolactone  instead of a normal dieuretic as im fully allergic to them. now back on the verapamil 1st day did ok.
but at night now, im having internal jitters when sleeping and cant sleep for long - eyes are tired and heavy lids ..
woke up sweating and with a massive headache going on . once awake and moving around im fine !!  

I belive these symptoms or problems are direct related to the drugs themselfs and I have become allergic to them
both . beta blockers and cal channel blockers.  
as iv taken them so long - and doctors refuse to switch me to another type of medication .  im in a circle of drugs
the give ..same things over and over..  and all give me problems !! 8 doctors  diffrent medical centers.
and I get the same things.   iv been fighting side effects since the late 80s..  now its getting worse the older I get.

its time to go natural I guess..  has anyone ever had these problems before on these medications ?
and is there something natural I can take that works good.

I have totaly lost faith in doctors !   as they wont listen to me - and refuse to get me out of this rutt ..
I just dont know..
2 Responses
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343006 tn?1314446471
well blow me down , nobody knows about allergys ?  or is it just slow today..
Helpful - 0
681148 tn?1437661591
Try posting your question in Complimentary Medicine.  Someone there should be able to steer you in the right direction.
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