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nasal allergy & gerd

After weeks of having bad cold symptoms and laryngitis, I was diagnosed with GERD.  I was worst at night, having to sit up all night, because of an extremely runny nose and coughing and choking on the discharge in my throat. I currently take 40 mg nexium before breakfast and dinner, for about 2 months now.  Yesterday, I forgot to take the morning nexium.  By noon, I was having a full blown "allergy" attack.  Now I can remember winter evenings when I had an "allergy" attack without identifying an allergen. I have had seasonal allergies all my life, but have been generally ok during winter.  Is it possible for GERD to cause an allergy attack?  Or is reflux coming up and getting into my sinuses?  Could something else be happening?

thanks for any insight you can give.
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Has a CT scan of the sinuses been done in your case?

You could be having both sinusitis/ allergies and GERD.

Are you any medications for the allergic reactions along with your GERD medications?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications and see if they help with your symptoms.

Consult your doctor about any additional medications for your GERD like itopride.

Sleep with your head end elevated.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

Hope this helps.

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No CT of the sinuses hs been done.  I previously have thought that it was both allergies and gerd actin separately, but now I am becoming more convinced that they are related.  I have been finding research about a connection between food allergies and gerd and am looking for more info for that.  I am going to request testing to verify or eliminate that concern.

As long as I take my two nexium every day, I seem to be fine.  initially I also took an allergy pill at night to control my symptoms so that I could sleep through the night.  At that time, i was also sleeping at about a 30 degree angle.  I have been able to eliminate the sloped sleeping (to my husband's enjoyment) and the night time allergy pill.  I have also found that I can take gaviscon in lieu of the allergy pill with similar results.

I have serious doubts about the benefit of taking nexium for the rest of my life ( I am in my 50's).  I also have concerns that nexium reduces excess acid but it has never been determined if  that is actually my problem.  I read that the LES  valve could be the reason that reflus occurs, hence the reason to elevate the head of the bed for sleep.  If that is the reason for the reflux, it seems that correction of the structural problem would be more sensible to taking drugs for a long period of time.  Especially, since I read that nexium reduces the intake of calcium and eliminates some of the bacteria in the intestines that is needed for good digestion.  I am trying to get a handle on these issues so that I can ask the right questions the next time i see the doctor.  I should be seeing him in about 4 to 6 weeks.

I appreciate any insight you can offer.
PS: Are you a doctor or is that just part of your member name?
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Some additional info that I forgot to mention.  Last summer I had an endoscopy because of occasional blood in my phlegm in the morning.  That showed that my esophagus was irritated.  two biopsies were taken and came back clean.  I was put on prilosec to control the reflux.  I never had heartburn, just phlegm in the back of my throat, primarily in the morning when i woke up.  I took that until December when my "cold" couldn't be brought under control.  I actually was unable to slepp through the night for almost two months.  The only other test I have had was by the ENT, who said that the current symptpms wer gerd and changed the meds to nexium.  He did a scope of my throat and found nothing unusual.

My GP has run many blood tests and found nothing.  He also did an EKG which ws normal.

I think that sums up the pertient medical history.
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At this point, i think it would be best to consult a gastroenterologist  and review your case and symptoms with him/her.

Nothing can be said for sure for now, but you should continue with the nexium till you see your doctor.

Try and schedule an earlier appointment if possible.

GERD is known to cause chronic cough and throat irritation, but any nasal symptoms are not well known.

Let us about how you are doing and what your doctor advises.

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I will post any new developments.
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Glad to know that the postw as of some help.

We would be eager to know about nay new developments and also about how you are doing.

Post us if you have any doubts.

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