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neutrogena deep clean face wash

what to do if you get allergic reaction to neutrogena deep clean face wash?
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1104172 tn?1312171407
I would immediately discontinue use and and for the next 3-7 days wash your face with just plan warm water until the reaction has subsided. A lot of times these deep clean face wash products that say (according to the label) is not always the true and a lot of times we just have to test them out to see how it will agree with our skin type. If you start to experience numbness/tingling or burning that seems to be getting worse go to ER. If it stays about the same after a few days make an appointment with your doctor. Hope that helped at all. Good luck
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hi you should very lightly wipe face with warm cloth the take benadryl if you can to help sooth i suggest rubbing aloe on face (straight from plant is best)
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try a different product...........that contains less chemicals,   just read the ingredients,   if you cant say them, then you should not use them.
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