7733624 tn?1394306640

poky feeling all over my body

i am a teenage boy of age 17..i had got these pin and needle poking feeling from past 6-8 months.....at initial stage i felt this only on my hands, face and scalp when i walk for 5 minutes in sunlight...i didnt care at that time...thought it might get cured by itself...but since 2 months it got serious....in the sense if i get bit tense it would spread all over my body...i feel like crying loud but i control it the society...i ve stopped going to college and as a result my grades came low...now i ve become a house kid and i'm afraid to go outside... please suggest some remedies....
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Hello Vish2910,

You're very welcome. I'm glad you found my suggestions helpful.
I wish you well.  Eve
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7733624 tn?1394306640
thank u.....i will do as you direct.....
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Hello Vish2910,

I just finished reading your comments. Is your family aware of the pain
you're in ?  Do you have a family doctor ?  If you have a family doctor
have you been to see your family doctor about this issue ?
If you haven't talked to your parents about what you are experiencing,
don't be afraid to talk to them. You don't need to suffer in silence.
If you're a teenager, perhaps your parents can make an appointment for
you to see a doctor. I can't suggest some remedies because I don't know
what you're experiencing and what might be causing it, but I would bet
a doctor would give you some ideas of what is going on. Don't let this
ruin your future. You need to go back to college. You can't be afraid to
go outside for the rest of your life. I wish you well.  Eve
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