553239 tn?1215275292

probiotic adverse reaction

I have long hx of UC..has been in remission for7 or 8 years. I took cipro for UTI..7 day dose and decided to take a probiotic to prevent UC from flaring with antibiotic diarrhea. After taking the first dose of probiotic capsule I was doubled over with abdominal pain/cramping. It subsided after about 1 hour.  Next day I repeated the probiotic (not knowing it might have caused pain) and the result was pain/cramping more severe than with 1st dose. This lasted for a couple of hours and after 1 1/2 days I still have sensitive abdomen. Could this be probiotic or antibiotic?? I never had this pain even when UC was active.
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"Side effects of probiotics may include mild, temporary digestive complaints, such as gas and bloating.

People who are immunosuppressed should seek medical advice before using probiotics. It is possible that the probiotic itself may cause a serious infection. One death was reportedly linked to probiotic use in a person taking immunosuppressant medication.

Potential Drug Interactions
Probiotics may interact with immunosuppresant medication"

If you are on any medications to maintain the remission in Ulcerative colitis, they may have interacted with the probiotics.

Do consult your doctor before taking any medication in addition to what you have currently been prescribed.
Discontinue all probiotic capsules and powders.

Do keep us posted on your doubts and progress.
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553239 tn?1215275292
Thanks Doc.. I am not on any rx for my UC and the symptoms have subsided. I guess I am one of the ones who will get the bloating and gas from probiotics...joy!...I am seeing my doctor regarding the reaction and UTI recurrences. I am reluctant to take antibiotics anymore with the resultant diarrhea....woe woe woe
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Do discuss the possibility of taking natural sources of lactobacilli, such as diluted yoghurt.

Drink plenty of fluids and take mild sources of vitamin C to restore mucosal integrity of the intestines and urinary tact.

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