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Please help..

My daughter has been throwing up at school everyday for the past 5 weeks. When she comes home she seems perfectly fine. We have been to a few docters and they can not figure out whats wrong.
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My thoughts go in a totally different direction.  Could she be dealing with a bullying situation that is upsetting her stomach and causing the problems?  

Just a thought.
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1158774 tn?1287017992
could be something she is eating at school. Are there any known alllergies? it can also be nerves.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the common causes of vomiting in children are Gastroparesis, Intussusception, Anaphylaxis, Other infections, Adrenal crisis, intracranial hypertension and Cyclic vomiting syndrome. Hence a proper evaluation should be done to rule out these causes.

When common causes are ruled then further evaluation for intracranial hypertension (ICH) is needed, brain MRI should be done to rule out any brain tumor, otherwise there can be ICH due to unknown cause.  Cyclic vomiting syndrome can be seen in association with migraine. I would suggest her to consult pediatrician and rule out other causes. Another possibility is she may be allergic to something at school. You need to inspect any changes in place or new exposure to things at school (painted wall, tables, pollens etc.) Meantime the treatment can involve anti emetics or anti histamines against prescription.  Take care and regards.
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