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red rash on chest and neck

im not sure the correct medical term for what i have, or even if its an allergy, or maybe even a medical term. here is what it began as, i scratched me neck only to feel some bumps, i felt the back of my neck and felt the same thing. i lifted up my shirt and say it down my chest and mainly stop below mid stomach level. here is how i could describe the "rash" it is red spots that almost appear to be acne yet im am pretty sure it is not because it all happened over night and there is very few on my face, it is basically scattered around those areas but it is heviest right below my chin and neck and on the back of my neck, in those areas it is not so red but just more present as bumps, no i do not shave. the bumps turn white when i apply pressure and then go back to the red color, there is not a white head on them and i am not itchy. if some one has any idea of what it is or any better explanation i could give you to help me figure out what this is. would greatly help me, i am very anxious about what this is so please respond to this asap.!
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
It is difficult to comment without examination.
It could be like urticaria or hives. The swellings or wheals produced after itching can be pale (of skin color) or red. Urticaria is usually triggered by allergens, such as drugs, foods, insect bites, inhaled substances, in response to sunlight, cold, heat, stress, exercise, or a viral infection. Other common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, or cosmetics. Since you experienced an itch, just go over these possibilities in your mind. Something may strike you. In many cases, hives clear up themselves and don’t require diagnosis or treatment. However if they persists you may need to see a specialist called an allergist to determine what is causing the reaction.
It could also be petechiae. Petechiae are pinpoint-sized red dots under the surface of the skin.
The commonest cause of petechiae is a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
They can also result from autoimmune disorders, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis,  bone marrow disorders such as leukemia, inflammation of the veins, as a side effect of certain medications including the vaccine itself, viral infections, such as EBV and septicemia or infection in blood. A complete blood count, urine examination and a blood culture may be required to reach a diagnosis.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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hey there im the guy with the rash and what not on my neck and chest... here is the best way i could describe this to you..right below my chin and on my neck are little bumps that feel like the goosbumps, those are on my neck and the back of my neck right below my hair line. on my back and are similar symptoms excecpt they are red dots and more spread out, in random and evenly not in cluttered heavy bunches. the effected areas are not swollen, do not have impalement of skin, and are not hot. i do not have a feaver. i play sports and work out and have done both during the 2 days i notices the reaction and have plenty of energy. my lymphnodes are not swollen and my throat has not closed up. i feel normal and fear this more mentally then i do physically. i have a fear of needs,shots and the doctor, so i do not want him to look at it. behind my ears there is also a little bits of roughnes like on my neck.. if this helps you diangose it any better than the first post please let me know. tell me if you think it might be a heat rash??? please get back to me ASAP. thank you for your time
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for keeping me posted!
Well it could be a heat rash. It could also be a reaction to sweat. It could also be sunburn, or a reaction to sunlight. Take cool baths twice a day. Apply medicated powders with camphor in them and wear loose cotton shirts. Keep the area covered when you go out in sun. If all this does not help, then you need to see a skin specialist.
Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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