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redness in groin area

hi I have noticed a week after I had a shave I have got a red sort of rash in the pubic area and few red spots near rash the rash or little spots arnt itchy just red the rash this morning was dry and was pealing little bit so I put cream on it to stop the dryness but al still there I also changed my washing powder last week thinking it could be a bad reaction any advice would be great full thanks
2 Responses
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Hi, the shaving could have caused furunculosis or infection of the hair follicles. It could also be cysts, fungal infections, allergies, genital warts and herpes. If there is accompanying swelling, redness, discharge and fever it is most probably an infection. You may need to consult your primary care physician who will examine you and initiate appropriate therapy. Regards.
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612551 tn?1450022175
I have never shaved in my groin area but I do have episodes of what think is called "Joc itch" accompanied by redness.. and sometimes red/tenderness under the foreskin - washing drying and use of an anti fungal cream has always cured me overnight.
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