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severe pain and food allergy

i am a healthy 41 year old male ...except  i have this weird condition.... If i eat soy, peanuts or beans or anything that has these items in it i get this horrible pain in my feet and ankles plus flu like symptoms..sometimes its thwe left ankle sometimes its the right it almost always starts in the bones of my foot and progresses to the ankle.
my ankle will become red and swell up like its broken and feels like its broken !this will last usually until i figure out what i had eaten that had soy beans or peanuts and stop eating it then a few days to a week pain would start to fade.. the ankle will then feel weak and sore for up to a month.. sometimes the illness attacks just one ankle other times its my whole leg and a really bad attack envolves both ankles kness and legs and sometimes hips and lower back....but most time s its only one leg it starts in my small foot bones and toes then spreads to ankle sometimes knees and back of thigh...i had not had an attack in several months until now......

right6 now i am in severe pain and have been for 2 weeks from one of these attacks.
about 2 weeks ago i woke up and was having severe pain in the bones on the outside of my left foot... i knew this pain was the beginning of yet another attack  so i started looking at my diet to see if i had accidentally ate soy, peanuts or something like that and i discovered i had been drinking ovltine ( it has soy )  and granole bar that had soy and peanuts......i knew i was going to have a bad reaction and sure enough within a day i was unable to put wieght on my left foot and it hurt just to move or lay still so i started taking aleve , tylenol and motrin.....this helps but on a scale of 1- 10 i was a 10 and the meds would bring me down to like 6 or so still unable to stand or walk...

its been 2 weeks i am not much better i cant work hell i cant walk to the bath room with out hopping on one foot i have a ankle brace that totally immoblizes ny ankle so i can hobble around but my whole foot is swollen and it hurts like hell.....each time this happens my joints feel damaged and sore for months then i forget about this intil i screw up and eat the wrong thing then i am bed ridden for two weeks what is going obn how can i fix it ?????my life is suffering from this as is my job and everthing

what can i do what is this  

please help
i have been tested for gout it was negative

my doc is baffled i am at the end of my tolerance.i am confused noone seems to  know what this is its not arthritis, its not gout WHAT THE HELL IS IT HOW DO I FIX IT... this is ruining my live and i am in severe crippling pain  then it just goes away then out of the blue is back .. my god someone has to know something about this please help            
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Food Intolerance is any adverse reaction to food. This does not exclude the possibility of immune reactions being involved in some way.
Food intolerance can cause aching joints in some people. Normally, the most heavily used joints, such as the knees, that are afflicted first, but it may later spread to other joints.

Studies have found that some patients respond positively to an elimination diet.
Rheumatoid arthritis – is characterized by painful, swollen joints that feel warm on the touch and are often stiff.

The idea that food intolerance can play an important part in causing rheumatoid arthritis is not widely defended among rheumatologists.
Some patients, however, lost their symptoms entirely on an elimination diet. How food intolerance might influence the inflammation in joints is still unknown.
In your case it is best that you make a consious choice in  the foods you eat, the symptoms are prevented best by total avoidance of the food.

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My husband had the same swollen feet with soy. He is better now after avoiding all food with soy including chicken (chicken feed has soy) and food with SOY LECITHIN such as bread, desserts, chocolate,etc.

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