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something in our home is making my husband sick

My husband has been having a sore throat and his eyes hurt and a heaviness in his chest for over 4 months now and we cannot find the source of what is making him feel this way. It gets worse at the day wears on. He works from home and he thought it was dust mites so we pulled the carpeting out and put down a laminate floor. He then was told that we had mold in the A/C and we got a complete new unit and even changed all the duct work, still no relief. He thought it might be connected to his computer and battery pack so we removed all of that from the room and still no relief. He is getting very depressed and wants some relief. He is thinking of paying for an environmental engineer to come and see what they can find. He went to the allergist and had testing done and is allergic to dust, two types of mold and ragweed. He does feel better while sleeping and wakes up fine but then as the day progresses it starts all over again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
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My boyfriend has the same problem, he wakes up in the morning feeling fine and has the day progress he has sore throat etc....he has that for many years now and yes he feels depress too :( what he was tested for?????
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It sounds like you guys are being great detectives at trying to find the cause.  Since he feels better after waking up, that would rule out the source being in your bedroom.  

Have you had the house checked for water leaks?  These would be a source of mold.  Hiring a company to test for mold would be a good idea.  Also, do you keep windows and doors open during the day or are you in and out a lot?  That would allow allergens and irritants into your home.  

Did the allergist say anything to him about asthma?  The symptom you describe could be that.  Asthma can be developed at any age, especially following respiratory infections.

Good luck and happy sleuthing.

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He just went this week and was tested for just about everything and it came back, two types of mold, dust, and ragweed. He worked out on our lanai this morning and he had the window open and was not feeling that good out there. He is just baffled by this. After reading about Michal Douglas I told him to go to a throat specialist. I'm getting very worried.
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He is hellbent determined to get to the bottom of this, even if it cost him a small fortune. lol He even thought it might be the in wall pesticides that we have sprayed down here in Fl. The unit is placed right outside his office window and thought is might be backing up into his office and not being dispersed throughout the entire house. I am now expecting giant bugs to be crawling into the house soon. Ugh, I hate bugs. He cancelled the service for a few months. He tested for radon gas, nope. I guess the next step is the environmenal engineers. He even thought it might be fomaldahydes from his furniture. I think they said they can test for that too. We came home from a trip to Hawaii in March and about a few weeks later he had a very bad respitory infection and it lasted for about 3 weeks, wicked sore throat and cough and it was right after that, that everything started. It's a big mystery? I'm having him go next to a throat specialist and have them scope his throat. Don't know what else to do????
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Did he see a dr for the wicked sore throat?  If he had strep it could have settled some where else and be causing these issues.  Strep must be treated with antibiotics or it doesn't go away and moves to another location and settles.  Just  a thought.

Seeing and ENT is a good idea.  I would doubt that he has any problems there, but it is good to rule everything out that can be ruled out.

Hang in there and keep at it.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum,  your symptoms are suggestive of pharyngitis secondary to allergy. knowledge about aeroallergens present in your geographic location and the allergens in your home and work areas is essential in this process.  Allergen exposure is usually seasonal, like tree and grass pollen in the spring (rose fever) or ragweed pollen exposure in the fall (hay fever) are the most likely causative factors.

Hence, during pollinating seasons and the allergens present in your area may be responsible. Evaluation for concurrent conditions like rhinitis and asthma should be taken into consideration.

Treatment in the form of

- Ensure the bacterial infection if present should be completely treated (bacterial pharyngitis).
-Antihistamine/decongestant combinations, Cromolyn sodium, Montelukast and Ipratropium bromide as adjuvant will provide relief.

The above mentioned drugs should only be taken after consultation from allergy specialist. Take care and regards.
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He hates going to the doctors and no he did not go. I never heard that strep can serttle somewhere else? Can you explain that point? He will perserve and get to the bottom of this for sure.
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Many years ago my mother had strep throat while her dr was out of town.  She did not go to the dr taking his calls.  She had strep throat at that time.  About a year later her knee swelled up and she could not stand on it or bend it.  She went to the dr who told her that it was strep that had settled in her knee from her untreated infection.  She now has arthritis in that knee.  The dr told her that strep can settle anywhere if it is not treated effectively with antibiotics.

Praying you find answers.
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Yikes, that is such a scary thought and very important too to know. My husband is a tennis player and right around that time he had a lot of trouble with his knee. He was just operated on a few weeks ago for a torn miniscus and the doctor told him there was quite a bit of arthritis in that knee too. Who knows, maybe there is a connection? He's closed off his office for the time being ( seems to be a thick and funny odor lingering in there) He is going to have the environmental engineers come soon. Thankfully he has the funds to pay for all of this and he will get to the bottom of it. I never heard about streph going to other places. HMM!
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My boyfriend haves sore throat but not only that, has the day goes he has lumps that comes out, of his face everywhere, and red and swollen articulation, sore throat, his CRP level his high, his iron his low, has fever, cant walk sometimes and the day after in the morning he has nothinggggggg so thats really weird :S
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