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titanium/vanadium/aluminum dental implant

Eleven months ago I had a titanium alloy dental implant along with a sinus lift and bovine bone graft.  The surgery was successful and the implant has since integrated with the bone.  One to two months after the surgery I started having cramps in the lower extremities that progressed to constant aching in the feet and knees.  Five months after the implant I elected to have the swine flu vaccination which resulted in a numb feeling and tingling in the extremities along with diarrhea and dizziness that subsided after a few days.  Since then the tingling has combined with the aching in the lower extremities and progressed upward to include the thighs.  Exercise makes all of the symptoms worse, as I experience severe aching and muscle twitching after any kind of physical activity.  A MRI of the brain and neck revealed increased areas of signal in the brain not consistent with ms.  Blood tests suggest autoimmune disfunction (positive ana, antithyroid antibodies, high IgG for parvovirus and EBV and CMV without being conclusive of connective tissue or thyroid disease.  A cone beam ct scan revealed an inflammatory process in the sinus above the implant and apical periodontal inflammation on the tooth behind the implant which was also giving me night fevers.  I have since had the root canal retreated on the tooth that was being blamed for my mouth discomfort.  This has resulted in a 100% improvement in the pain and feverish feeling emanating from THAT tooth, but I still have an strange irritating sensation emanating from the implant that extends to the cheek, nostril, and eye above the implant.  I have a feeling the implant is the cause of the mouth trouble and wondering if it is the cause of my neurological symptoms as well.  My physical activity has been reduced to a minimum compared to the level of physical activity previous to the surgery.  I wonder if the implant does not show the typical symptoms of rejection because of nightly bronchial and nasal steroid inhalations.  The implant looks good on scans and xrays.  I am not so good.  I am living a life of an inactive person because I have no tolerance for exercise.  I love to exercise and my dogs need a walk!!!  Today I went for a lower back MRI and had a hard time holding still because of feeling crampy and cold.

All of the docs say it is a coincidence that any of my problems started shortly after receiving the implant.  I have sent blood in for the Melisa test, but wonder if a reaction will show being I was not able to refrain from using inhalers for five days.  The implant has adhered to the bone and looks "perfect".  I am ready to get it out and praying I can return to my normal level of activity.  Is there anyone out there with some information that could help?

Am I the only one????  I don't think the ADA or the implant manufacturers want to investigate the possibility of this lucrative procedure being a problem for anyone, so it is hard to find any data supporting my suspicion.  

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1861560 tn?1324061292
I am having trouble posting a new thread.
I have a scientific paper linking titanium implants to auto immune issues.
Message me and i can forward it.

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Hi, has anyone here had voice problems?
I have an implant since 2009.
The dentist caused me a paresthesia during the operation, so I never wanted to actually put the tooth on top of the screw, searching for years if I could first find a solution to the problem.
Worse than that, short after the operation some strange symptoms in my voice started to occur: it shakes, trembles and cracks up.
I was diagnosed a spasmodic dysphonia, which is a neurological problem that affects the voice.
As with many neurological diseases, it is known, but nobody knows why it starts, nor has a solution to that.
I was advised by a biological dentist to remove the screw, as it might cause a reaction with 2 crowns which I have in my mouth.
Finally I decided to remove it, hoping that it changes something.
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Correct!!  Dr. Kazemi in Maryland!  Total success, my mouth has healed wonderfully!!!! those "Titanium" implants that were removed left a blackish tattoo behind where they use to be...not NO more pain discomfort or misery!!!
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I wanted to post on my recent findings because they may apply to others. The results of the MELISA testing came in and I am not allergic to any of the dental implant materials. (A previous test showed I am allergic to gold but I doubt there is gold in titanium implants since the manufacturers can use such cheaper materials.) But I have had such horrible systemic problems for the last 6 months I now suspect I have an ongoing low grade infection around my lower left molar implant. The gum around the implant does not bleed and is not inflamed but throbs incessantly. Each course of antibiotics helps but the pain and systemic symptoms return shortly afterwards. I have found an oral surgeon who, despite my not being allergic, is going to remove this implant September 15- or earlier if there is a cancellation. I am beginning echinacea extract as a preparation for surgery as it more easily penetrates bone; I am worried my chest pain all this time may be endo-carditis related to the ongoing infection and I need to clear this up before getting anesthesia.
I have posted this for the benefit of all- having pain from only one implant when you have many -and that one painful implant being asymptomatic for peri-implantitis- may mean you have an infection in the jawbone at that site. I will post after the removal and list any improvements.
Best of health to all.
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I consulted with an oral surgeon on the east coast (Manhattan) who also does cavitation surgery (as per his website). If you're on the east coast you might want to consult with him. He's gotten excellent online reviews and while he was in an expensive location (Park Ave) his prices were not that bad.
His website is:  http://www.manhattan-oralsurgery.com/

Keep us posted.
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Hi Wendy, did you end up getting surgery from him? I am thinking of consulting with him.
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I did not have a dental implant, I had a cervical implant.  Immediately after the implant I became sick and stayed that way until I had the implant removed.  To make sure that it was the implant, I had metal testing done and because I was positive that allowed me to have the implant removed.
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For anyone who had had their implants removed, can you provide an update?
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I have had the same issues except mouth issues or sensation in
head. It’s been an awful two years
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Thanks for an answer.  how much time had come (after you took it out), before you felt better
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And one more qestion.. how do you scroll through all the posts in a thread ? It takes hour 2 get 2 the last message.
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Hi everyone ! Sorry for my english, i`m writing from russia. I have a bit unusual problems after one year i have 2 titanium implants.  Two problems look like yours - burning tongue and tiredness from dawn till dusk.  But the third problem seems 2 me very unusual 4 this site - i have a big problem with my stomach. With every part of it. Some days i can`t go far from toilet - and that is a large trouble. Please, unswer me if someone has the same problems. Thanks a lot. Aleksandr.
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Dear MasMuelas,

I had a titanium implant in my neck several years ago.  Very shortly afterwards I started getting ill.  I was extremely fatigued and had a rash around the area of the implant.  I did my own research and found a lab that ran metal testing.  I had the testing and found out that I was allergic to the other metals that are mixed with the titanium.  Long story short after two years of suffering I had the implant removed and my symptoms went away.    I am not saying this is the same for you, but it is worth investigating.
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My allergy test said Nickel along with other metals including aluminum. Ask the doctor up front for a composite sheet of Titanium anything in your body. Unfortunately for me I didn't request the composite sheet until after I had a miserable experience with Titanium dental implants. I ended up having them successfully unscrewed/removed.  The composition sheet I obtained from the dentist indicated they were actually called "Tivanium".  Major component..aluminum!!!  Hope I never need a hip or knee replacement.
Some people don't even know they have a metal allergy. Especially those who know, such as Nickel, needs to have a more involved test to know what exactly they are allergic to and a doctor needs to know what he/she is selling the public. Mine didn't even know AU was gold. He said he never took a chemistry class.
Implanz - There is a new material that contains no metal at all.  I do not know the name of the product, but some dentists are using that now.  It has been on the market about 5 to 6 years now.  You may want to research that if a dentist in your area does that.
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I have had a titanium dental implant 2 weeks ago, have been on antibiotics for 1 week. It was an extraction of previous screw-retained crown, and implant placed in the same procedure. There was also bovine bone graft placed. Then I was told to wait 4 months for the porcelain crown to be placed. The same day I started noticing some tingle on the lips, however it was on the opposite side of the face, the dentist told me there was no nerve touched, so apparently it was not paresthesia. Something else I noticed is a metal taste coming directly from the implant, starting the same day I got the implant, and never went away. It's like having literally a 9 volt battery in the mouth. Some days after the implant, I also started noticing some tremors on the fingers, mostly in the thumb finger, and some muscle contractions in arms and other parts of the body. Although the lips tingle is still there, it is not as strong as before, however I am worried about the fingers. Visiting and telling the dentist about this, on the second week the dentist recommended me to be on antibiotics for another week to prevent infection. I am now probably going to see the dentist again, and I am personally considering pulling the implant out. I feel like something is not right. Looking on the internet, but being no specialist myself, I suspect either "oral galvanism" or some kind of autoimmune response to the metals of the implant. I have read that no implant in the world is 100% titanium, and that they always contain other metals. Depending on the metal, the system can reject it or show some allergy. Today I also woke up and started nothing darker eye bags. I already have a titanium dental implant for many years without any issues, but after investigating, I realized its from another brand. Apparently the other implant is better quality or more pure than this one. So, apparently I am not directly allergic to titanium, but to some of the other metals added to some implants. I will try to get it out as soon as possible, and then do some general checks with the Clinical Dr, also consider doing the metal allergy test.
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I also had bovine graft and two dental titanium implants. I experienced many muscle contractions after three months implants were placed. After the dentist told me I am "crazy" and that the implants can't give any general body reactions, only local I went to another one and took them out. After one year without implants i still have one in a week small contractions but they were horrible when I had them in my mouth. It is just my case. I'm not doing anymore implants. I know how you feel. Stay strong.
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HI all,

Did remove my implants several years ago. Did have a bonegraft and lost alot of bone. So i need a new bonegraft before i can take zirconium implants.  I still am not healed. So probably my sickness wasn't from the implants. Sometimes i think the bonegraft is pushing against a nerve and is giving me that pounding head.  Anyway i did my  consultation with the  dentist http://www.ocendo.com/ Chetan K Metha. Terry on this blog has got alot of contact with him. They are more like neighbours and very helpfull.  It isn't painfull at all. I paid a price of 13000 $ to remove the two implants and have a bonegraft and gum. There is also a dentist in New York who does the same for a lower price of 3000 $. It isn't painfull at all ! God Bless.
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I am gonna tell you my story. I found this forum after my problems started. First of all I had a bone graft with Bio-Oss in 2016, and in 2017 i had two dental implants inserted.
After 4 months I started having tingling in hands and legs, buzzing all over body and floaters in the eye above the implants. After several ophthalmologists I decided to take the implants out. In april 2018 I found a doctor to remove them. I'm still waiting for my symptoms to dissapear. I have random pain, buzzing, numbness, random heat sensation in legs, hands.  
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I am sorry to hear that your symptoms didn't resolve.  Could it be that the doctor wasn't able to remove all of the implants?  Or you could be like myself, I have other medical issues that are not connected to the metal.  Another thought it may take a while for your body to reset.  Do you were any jewelry?  Usually people are allergic to the metal alloys in the titanium.  With myself it was nickel.  Do you were any jewelry?  What about metal fillings?  
I saw the implants after the surgery and they were in one piece. I went to several doctors and made blood tests, all good. I don't wear any jewelry. I'm visiting one of the best eye doctors in Europe in severel weeks because my floaters are increasing day by day. I am pretty sure all my problems started after I placed the implants. Now I wish that i found this earlier..I hope you are better.
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Yes, I have had this problem and so have a group of people.  Inflammation starts after two weeks of a perfectly good
implant.  Gets worse over time.  Saps the energy right out of a person.  I can't say it helps or not, but all the people that
have been in contact with me have told me they are so happy, now that they can return to their normal lives.  If you get the right surgeon, it was an easy procedure for people.  Do not have it ground out.  May sure they take it out in one piece, in its entirety.    Implants are a wonderful thing.  but if you are one of those people who recct poorly to it.  It can make your
life a living hell.  Please let us all know what you decide and how you make out.    Serbin
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Hi all. I noticed that this thread started 8 years ago! And thank god for it. I have an implant put in early May 2018, is June started to have upper back, shoulder and neck pain. Early July started to experience horrible muscle pain, random tingling in limbs, numbing, heqdhaches, heal pain... but the worst is the lower abdomen pain. I’ve had ultrasounds, er visits and so on. ANA came back positive. I’m 33 and never in my life have i had any sign of an autoimmune disease. I’m 33 and an athlete and walking is difficult now. For all the folks that had theirs removed, what was the success of improvement? Can anyone out there help me!
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I hadn’t thought of this thread for a while now as I had all of these issues in 2014 and had it removed then and today got an email saying a comment had been added. It was a dark and scary time of my life so my heart goes out to you. The relief for me was almost instant and it took a good year to get my strength back 100%. Good luck. Anyone reading this- this thread honestly saved my life and I am so thankful for it.
Thank you for the response! It’s been a hard month and half. Can anyone relate to menstrual pain being a thousand times worse during this issue? And of course people around me think I’m crazy to assume this because I’m not having any issues with the implant itself, my question is... how could the titanium implant be affecting me if i don’t show signs around the implant itself? I’m trying to truly confirm this because i know the dentidt will fight me on this, i truly don’t know what else would be affecting me like this randomly. This is so scary! I’m so happy your health improved, that’s hopeful and fantastic!
Hissim 27 titanium isn't made up of only titanium, it has other metals in it, usually nickel.  Prior to my neck surgery (cervical fusion),  I always had problems with different types of metals and I told that to the surgeon.  He assured me that no one is allergic to titanium and that this implant would be 100% titanium.  It wasn't the titanium I was allergic to, it was the nickel in it.  After trying to get information for two years I came across this website.  There is a lab that tests for metal allergies, and I had the testing done and I did test positive for several metals, the worse being nickel.  It took me a while to find a doc to remove the metal, but I did.  When they took it out, the surgeon told my husband that my spinal cord under the metal was black.   Long story short, I had the surgery to remove the "titanium," and that really helped me.  I have other medical problems, but it was one piece of this puzzle.  Here is a link to the lab's website http://www.melisa.org.  I got a lot of help from them, and I hope you will too.
Hello. This is Serbin.   Yes people have had them removed even when the implant was successful.  Their body reacted to the implant itself.   The longer it was in the worse their symptoms got.  Read back in these texts and see the write ups from me.   If you get it out get a good dentist.  Do not grind it out.   The correct dentist will be a big help to you.  
When I had my implant removed my improvement was immediate and dramatic. It's been three years, and I'm about 75% back to where I was before I had the implant. But I did have a very severe reaction that really knocked me down in a lot of ways. I did not show any signs of problems at the implant site, and that is very common. The reaction people have is called a "systemic" reaction, because it affects your system but not the actual site of the implant. This is supposedly the first scientific paper published concerning titanium intolerance:

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My sister had 8 dental implants and had same thing, autoimmune disorder, inflammatory markers, etc.  She was ill for 9 months and had them removed.  Within a few hours, her skin tone changed from green/gray to pink, feeling came back in her right hand, and her knees stopped feeling wonky.  She was on steroids for joint pain which went away also.  None of the doctors or dentists believed us either.    I believe it because I've seen it.  My advice is to remove it.
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Hi acurler - do you mind me asking what happened with your sister's hand? I had metal embolisation coils placed in my abdomen and one of the many synotoms I've had is a loss of sensation / weakness in my left arm and hand. It's truly bizzare.
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Please I need more information on this! I have nearly lost my sanity as my health issues decline more rapidly everyday, my relationship has been strained beyond limits and I'm tired of being looked at as if I'm just "Crazy".
5 days ago I came across a video on Amazon prime called "The Buisness of Disease" and I thank God for coming across it.
As a youth my teeth were treated with the typical silver fillings, we all had them and never thought twice about it. Well today as I think back in my 20's I had 2 molars that gave me so much grief. I cracked into 2 pieces and the filling falling out, I used temporary filling from drug store until I reached the most desperate moment crawling into an 24hr emergency dental to havevto removed completely.a few years later similar situation arised on my right upper side molar which came to the most desperate painful, "just pull it out now!" Moment. My teeth always seemed so sensitive but I found a dentist I liked and was persuaded to get implants. 1 at a time I decided so around 7 or 8 months ago I started the process. I have yet to get the tooth completed. During the time I started having pain issues through out my body ended up having carpal on both hands after the second hand I swore something was wrong very wrong, Dr. Didn't believe me they said I should be getting better. My whole body started aching at the joints head aches insomnia, I developed anxiety and depression  overload, I thought due to winter blues but this was odd, the screw came up out of my gum tissue my dentist had me cone and get the post or abundtment portion I was sedated and after everything seemed fine at first and I was on an antibiotic,writhing a week I felt drained, thought I was getting sick, my throat hurt dizzy, blurred vision aching so bad I had hard time standing sitting bendind just anything. I got some skin sores out if nowhere my lip cracked and wouldn't heal, I have never experienced anything like this my whole life. I got skin rashes nose bleeds, Dr. Treated me as tho I had staph yet no blood test showed it and I had several test. I was referred to the dermatologist, I seen 2 the first argued said I had angry dry skin gave me clabatosol carave lotions and ointment wear latex with hand feet soaked in it and don't touch my lip let it heal. Later he wanted to give me an anti psychotic, increase anxiety meds. Other Dr tripped my antidepressant I had 3 hydrocortisone ***** and other pain relieving shots that were ineffective all within 2 to 3 weeks. I felt I was losing my mind because I defended my complaints I know my body! Even my children were baffled in 6 months I changed and I felt completely lost! Hopeless, frustrated. I decided to try and clean my body out, wean off my meds balance my insides I started watching thingsvon how to, and found a wellness clinic. I night I seen this video I mentioned earlier and BAM! THERE it was it described what I had felt I googled and info flooded to connect me to my answer yet there is still so little. I've called my dentist they wanted to know why I had kept putting them off to finish well I said I want it out.

There is so much more but it exaughsts me to cover it all can anyone relate? Is there any help can I prove this is true? Why is it not discussed, can I get better is this what is happening to me? This Oral Galvism?
Please any info I would so appreciate it. Thanks
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Yes, implants do affect different people in various ways.  When they work they are wonderful.  But many people have not had an easy time after having them inserted.  Body inflammation, sore joints, tired, headaches. etc.  Soon as they have it removed they start to get their lives back. All these people were hard working people that just wanted to get on with life.  This is what I have seen first hand in myself, and also in others that have gotten back to feeling good.  I have a record of people that have had them out. Mothers, students, company owners.  I am not a dentist and do not suggest anyone do anything.  I am just letting you know that
people have had problems and people have gotten better when they get them out.  It seems a majority of people start to have problems in about two weeks.  and the longer they have them in, the worse the people get.   You need a good surgeon to remove them.  They should not be ground out.  They should be removed whole.  with the right surgeon it should be easier coming out, then
when it went in.   Does not take long.  My surgeon is outside of Philadelphia.  But others have found a good surgeon in other parts
of the country.  Find one that has done this before.  I hope this information helps anyone out there who is agonizing over what to do.
Again, this is just what I have seen, I am not a dentist and am just passing along information I have been told about other people's
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My husband has been suffering since his implant was put in about a year ago. He has an MRI scheduled for tomorrow to make sure there isn't another cause for the constant headaches, sinus drainage, and ear pressure.  If the MRI finds nothing then his next step is removal of the implant. Can anyone recommend a dentist in Ohio who has successfully removed their implant?
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A lot of times people will only remove an implant if they were the one who put it in. I think your best best is to do a Google search for the IAOMT organization. When you click on their home page you'll see a place near the top of the page that says "For Patients." If you point your mouse at that, a drop down window will show up, and one of the options will be "Search for an IAOMT Dentist/Physician. Click on that and you'll see a state by state listing of biological dentists in each state. These dentists are the ones who will understand the whole problem, have the knowledge, and most likely be willing to help you.
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Here is someone else who was severely poisoned by a titanium implant - myself. I really hope that by sharing our unfortunate experiences more people will become aware of the risks they are taking by implanting metal into their jaw bones. But I am also very happy to be able to talk about this in past tense, because it is already behind my back now and over. I really hope that would be a way to show the people who are still suffering that there is a solution.  Yes, things do get better after you remove your metal implant/s! Just be sure to find the right doctor to do it SAFELY.
I got sick immediately after the placement of the implant and I recovered very fast after it was taken out. I guess this is due to the fact that I had my implant only for a month. My symptoms were severe fatigue, brain fog, headache, eczema (inside my mouth and sometimes over my chin), lack of concentration, ear pain and numbness that drove me crazy, difficulties breathing and occasional sense of odd inner trembling. A few times I was about to faint. I was feeling out of space the whole time. I was about to take one last exam and soon to be a therapist, but paradoxically I myself was in such a painful psychical and emotional struggle that I felt I was losing the battel and was surrendering to depression myself. I watched the constant pain and inability to function take over my personality. Now, when I don’t have those symptoms anymore, I see what a great difference there is between reading about those symptoms, and actually experiencing them. I remember how desperate I was. I was feeling a constant and extremely overwhelming inability to function on a daily basis – for instance, I was totally unable to drive, or to concentrate, or to talk to people.
I made a little research and found out that many people are actually experiencing the same thing.
Then I started researching deeper and looking for options for implant removal. And I encountered a huge paradox: almost every building of this enormous city (New York) has a dental office where you can have an implant placed. But at the same time there are rarely any dentists at all who could remove a dental implant. I spoke with dentists with different specialties, including oral surgeons. The answers I received ranged from total refusal to remove it because of the severe damages this procedure would cause to my jaw bone and my overall health; to a total denial that the symptoms had anything to do with the implant whatsoever. Those who still offered an option for removing it, suggested they do it by trephining it out of the bone – a procedure witch causes severe bone loss and a high possibility for further damage; but above all, the great risk of breaking the integrity of the implant and leaving behind tiny titanium particles to blend into the bone tissue and thus remain part of the body system forever.
Luckily I didn’t agree to undergo this terrifying procedure and I almost accidently but very fortunately came across Dr. Shumantov, whose practice is currently located in NYC. He is great! As I can see, other people here have had had their implants also removed by him. Dr. Shumantov is highly experienced in safely removing titanium dental implants. He removed my implant literally within a few minutes and he managed to keep the bone totally intact; there wasn’t even a need of bone grafting. And I was surprised to find how all my symptoms magically disappeared almost right away. A flow of energy spilled over my body and the “out of space feeling” disappeared almost immediately. Now, a week after I had my implant removed I am back to my normal state.
Take it out! Good luck!
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Can you tell me what method Dr Shumantov used to remove your implants. I have had mind 3 years and suffer every day with, headaches, jaw pain and nausea and stomach problems. I want them out but with the right procedure.
Dr. Shumantov is equipped with a special implant remover kit, a bunch of instruments not all dentists have. The implant is practically unscrewed/untwisted with a ratchet. It’s very atraumatic.
Trephining the implant out with a tool called “trephine” is unsafe and should be avoided.
Good luck! I will be happy to help with whatever I can.
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Hello from Slovenia-EU,

Here is my story if someone needs information about titanium implants.
I become very ill 8 years ago. My life was like vegetation. I researched around all Europe and USA to found doctor or person who can help me.
After 3 years when I totally exchange my lifestyle I found reason for my problems, It was silver fillings. After 2 years extreme detoxify – I am lucky that I had support from Dr. Andrew Cutler, one of the best doctor in the world for amalgam detoxify – I got 50 % of my life and my health back. But not all.  First I thought that maybe my body is damaged from 15 years of 7 amalgams filling. Than I was shocked when I got information about titanium problems. I had 3 titanium implants with 5 zirconium teeth on. Doctors in my country have told me that titanium is not case for my problems. At that time my problem was:
headache, sinusitis, bleeding gums, pain in the left hand - side where they were implants, problems with vision, problems with memory, great fatigue, without energy, pain in the area of implants, gastro problems. Doctors in my country said that they can’t take out titanium implants safety and that I will have problems with bone after operation. But I investigate a lot again and I got a lot of information from all the world. Some information was useful some not like in every case. But I had lucky again and I got contact about Dr. Shumantov. In my health story I met more that 300 doctors from around the world but I can say that Dr. Shumantov is one of the best doctor and person which I know. He operates in USA and couple of time every year at Europe. I decided that I go to Sofia where he operates in Europe. I was very happy with his professionalism. He told me everything about titanium and what he will do, before operation and I was shocked how easy he removed 3 titanium implants with reverse system. All 3 implants took out in 40 minutes. After that he put new bone material and I come every day to control. After 7 days I go back to my country. Now after 8 month I can tell you: My only mistake was that because of my scary what doctor in Slovenia said, I didn’t take titanium implants out before. In the meantime they disappeared almost everyone my problems which I had before that operation. No headache, no sinusitis, no bleeding gums, no pain in the left hand - side where they were implants, no problems with vision, no pain in the area of implants. It is truth that I still have some energy and tired problems but I think that my body after all problems with amalgam and titanium need more time to recover. Maybe some problems will stay but  8 year ago my life was vegetation; today I got 80 % my life back and totally new way of life. My next part of operation is put zirconium implants in. My story was broadcast on Slovenian TV. I wish that all of you can solve problems with health and especially with teeth. And believe me: Dentist can destroy your life. If you wish more information and contact of Dr. Shumantov you can contact me.
Igor from Slovenia
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1861560 tn?1324061292
all of my new crowns are ceramic with no metal binding and I am doing well with them.
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1861560 tn?1324061292
Is the crown put on with a metal mixture?
It could be galvanization.
There have been others on the board with the same type of reaction as you once the crown was put on I believe.
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I had the crown and abutment removed yesterday...easy to do.  My dentist said he has heard of people reacting to the crown and abutment...he suggested a ceramic/zirconium crown.  I plan to do the metals test first.  He also gave me the label for the crown (Noble), which he had attached to my chart.  It has the complete alloy breakdown. I am going to wait several months to let my allergies go away.  Thanks for replying to my post.
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Is it possible to have a reaction to the crown and abutment, but not the implant?  I had no symptoms until the crown was placed a yr after the implant.  Terrible ear, nose and throat swelling and itching.  Can't sleep laying down because the sinuses close up.
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