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what's wrong with my ear?

For about a year and a half my right ear has felt plugged and like there was pressure in it and can't hear that well out of it, I tried a long time ago olive oil, and today I tried ear wax removal and none of them worked. Can someone please tell me what's wrong with my ear?
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How are you? Aside from impacted cerumen, this could be caused by problems with your tympanic membrane or infection. Direct visualization by an ear doctor is important for proper diagnosis. Decongestants may also help provide relief. Take care and do keep us posted.
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Do you know how to cure it?
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It is difficult to diagnose and treat over the net. I can only help with the differentials but as I said, direct visualization of the ear and the ear canal will greatly help in determining the diagnosis. An ear doctor have special instruments that look and remove any foreign body like impacted cerumen inside the ear.
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Probably your Eustachian tube is plugged. Had that problem for years due to a fungal infection. Couldn't hurt to try some Grapefruit Seed Extract, get it at health store, follow directions. Worked for me.
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Grapefruit seed extract cured it for good?
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It may take more than that, I may have to change my habits, (diet, for example) and some things I will have to take to maintain my bodies balance. My family has a history of problems with fungus imbalance too.

Just try it, if it doesn't help, no harm done. It could be something else causing your problem- I just want everyone to realize this problem and solution exist.

I have been doing a natural remedy for myself (The GSE is only one part) for the last week, and have had better results than anything I have tried (including sinus surgery) in over 40 years. I feel like I have bionic ears, and the pressure is falling like a rock in my ears, (I mean to say I can actually feel a difference in my middle ear and Eustachians)  I also am breathing like a race horse, through my nose now, never was able.

I was very sick for a very long time, and not able to get the help I needed. I am trying to help other people out who might the same problem

I may have what is called a "systemic" fungal infection, an overgrowth of a fungus that we all have in our systems. I understand that use of antibiotics and nasal steroids (Like Flonase, and Veramyst, for example) can cause the problem, and make it worse. Since this fungus naturally exists in all of us, diagnosis is difficult, (therefore making it hard for your Doctor to diagnose) but if you have a positive reaction to the GSE, I believe it would strongly suggest that a fungus overgrowth is the problem. If so, you probably want to take care of it yourself.

I can send you links to all the sites I found, but try the GSE for a couple days, and see if there's any improvement.

I have spent the last two years being depressingly sick from medical treatment of my ear/sinus problem, so just knowing this is helping, and what the cause is, makes me ecstatic.

Read up or "Google" fungal infections and antibiotics; sure opened my eyes.

Try my idea, if it helps, great. If it does help, study what to do to keep it at bay. Our bodies require a certain balance, and sometimes it takes a little work. I've given you a thread to follow; sometimes we just have to know what we need to do to help ourselves. (Make sure your information is from a reputable site, not "Joes'  Vitamin Shop" and don't trust any one source completely)  I don't count on Doctors for much anymore. Luck to you.

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ok, thanks a lot man.
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