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368646 tn?1208393887


Are ther any "natural" (no Rx needed) vasodilators?
5 Responses
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180749 tn?1443595232
This Yog pranayam is a natural way to help the body get up to 5 times more oxygen and control hypertension and heart problems.You will be able to notice the benefits in weeks, as you can monitor the readings.There are no side effects to worry about, as you are helping the systems in the body to work efficiently.
The kapalbhati pranayam can be done as well, if there are other problems in the body.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one (or more) minute.
Anulom Vilom –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 15 to 30  minutes twice a day.
Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.
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The best natural remedy I've seen for lowering blood pressure is the linden-mistletoe formula from Herb Pharm.  Garlic hasn't showed much effectiveness in recent studies.  Hawthorn is in that formula; it's the primary herb for lowering blood pressure.  The above dietary advice may be fine, there's no one right way, but I'd avoid it.  It's loaded with sugar and dairy, which won't necessarily raise blood pressure, but the most significant factor in heart disease is inflammation particularly by excess homocysteine, and those foods are extremely pro-inflammatory.  Often medical treatment will deal with one problem affecting the heart, such as blood pressure, but in doing so will create another.  One example is the use of statins -- they're very good at lowering cholesterol, but they leach fat soluble nutrients out of the body, notable CoQ10, the nutrient that provides energy to the heart muscle.  Solve one problem, create another.  Most medications also emphasize calcium, but most Americans get too much calcium and not enough magnesium, and excess calcium leaches out magnesium.  Magnesium is responsible for relaxing the heart muscle, as well as other muscles.  Solve one problem, create another.  Super low sodium diets deal with one facet, but throw off the balance of electrolytes, two of which, potassium and magnesium, are essential for proper heart functioning.  One way to avoid this catch 22 is to see a naturopath or holistic nutritionist to help guide you through it.  Good luck.
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Drink 3 cups of Hibiscus tea per day.Hibiscus is an herb that is most commonly in making teas,  Hibiscus has a fruity, tart taste and red color. Among the components of hibiscus are anthocyanins, flavones, flavonols, and phenolic acids. It has been believed that these have shown to reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure in studies performed on animals.
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When the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute tested the
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, the results
were dramatic. Blood pressure reductions showed up within 2
weeks. an overview of the diet. The number of servings given is
per day, unless noted otherwise.
Grains and grain products 7–8 servings
Good choices: Whole wheat bread, cereal, popcorn, oatmeal
Vegetables 4–5 servings
Good choices: Tomatoes, squash, broccoli, spinach, green beans,
sweet potatoes
Fruits 4–5 servings
Good choices: Apricots, bananas, grapes, oranges, orange juice,
raisins, strawberries
Dairy foods (low-fat or fat-free) 2–3 servings
Good choices: Fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, buttermilk, yogurt
Meats, poultry, and fish 2 servings or less
Good choices: Lean meat, skinless chicken, fish
Nuts, seeds, and dried beans 4–5 servings per week
Good choices: Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, kidney beans,
Fats and oils 2–3 servings
Good choices: Soft margarine, vegetable oil, low-fat mayonnaise,
light dressing
Sweets 5 servings per week
Good choices: Sugar, jam, jelly beans, hard candy, fruit punch, ices,
Shake off sodium
To get even better results from the DASH diet, cut back on sodium.
Certain groups of people—the elderly, African-Americans, and those
with a family history of high blood pressure—are more likely than
others to have blood pressure that’s particularly salt (or sodium) sensitive.
But since there’s no way to tell whether any one individual is
sodium sensitive, everyone should lower his sodium intake.
What to eat: Whole, unprocessed foods, which typically contain
small amounts of sodium; most dietary sodium is added when foods
are processed
Serving size: 1,500 mg (half a teaspoon of salt contains about 1,200
mg of sodium)
Good choices: Cutting sodium means more than going easy on the
saltshaker. Season foods instead with spices, herbs, lemon, and saltfree
seasoning blends.
Modified DASH Diet
Five to ten servings of vegetables Avoid dairy products Increase intake of Omega-3 oils
Limit salt intake to 3,000 mg./day Avoid all excitotoxic food additives (like MSG)
Complex carbohydrates with fiber only Avoid all sugar Avoid all Omega-6 fats
Drink only purified water.
Ways to Naturally Control Hypertension
Hawthorne, DHA, Flavonoids (quercetin/hesperidin) Aged garlic extract, Coenzyme Q10
L-carnitine, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) Alpha-lipoic acid (R-lipoic acid)
Ginkgo biloba, Magnesium/potassium/calcium, Green tea extract.
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1042487 tn?1275279899
Hello there,

There are many natural vasodilators. But it's kinda tricky since one natural vasodilator can help if you take the correct amount but it can increase it if you take too much.

Garlic, Hawthorne should be included in your diet along with celery and Ginko Biloba. I would also suggest you take a vitamins B complex. You can also take magnesium but i would be careful with that.

You must increase the presence of antioxidants in your body. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and i suggest you buy a good vitamin C which is at least 500 to 1,000mg with calcium. Increase your vitamin E level by eating a lot of vegetables and nuts. Eat a lot of fruits. 120ml of red wine daily is ok and good for you.

Finally, daily physical activity will reduce your blood pressure considerably. If you do cardiovascular work out daily you will make your heart stronger, if your heart is stronger it will pump blood with less effort therefore reducing the force on your arteries, lowering your blood pressure.

Best regards,

Best regards,
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