2099570 tn?1333408515

Rheumatoid Arthritis Help

I have a Rheumatoid Factor of 2040. My doctor said there wasn't much I could do. She is checking into any disorders I might have. Nothing helps with the pains I have in my neck, shoulders,  elbows, wrists, hands, knees, ankles, toes, or the feelings of walking on ball bearings. Please, is there anything, experimental treatments, alternative, herbal, homemade, anything to help me. I am a 51 year old male.
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180749 tn?1443595232
Arthritis natural ways to help.
Mix turmeric powder(haldi), Fenugreek powder(Methi) and ginger powder  in equal quantities and keep in a bottle. Take one teaspoon of this mixed powder in hot water twice a day.

Take Divya Ashwagandha tablet/capsule/powder(herbal).

Take divya Mahayograj guggul 2 tablets

Also practise kapalbhati pranayam regularly, twice a day ,to build up your immune system.
Drink warm/hot water, and avoid cold drinks.

Let me know your progress, when you can.
April 4 ,2012
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You might try acupuncture.  There are quite a lot of herbal remedies for arthritis that might help in combination -- most often mentioned for rhematoid is boswellia, devil's claw, and there are also proteolytic enzymes, tumeric, ginger, etc.  Avoiding inflammatory foods such as nightshades (potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.), sugar, white flour, and dairy can be helpful.  You might want to research this, as a combination of many things is usually what's used naturally.  Medically, I don't know -- they just usually try to use painkillers but don't try to get to the source, so it can help or not like anything else.  You might also try a product called moducare, which is an immune system modulator -- RA is an autoimmune disease, so you want to calm your immune response.  Good luck.  
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I sent you a personal message on med/help look for it!
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