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Swollen, stiff, fairly painful index finger

I have had this for over a week, and it seems to be getting worse.  I am 33 and in very good health.

The 1st knuckle on my index finger is pretty swollen, stiff and has a fair amount of pain when I bend or touch it.  I have already been to urgent care, and was told it was not infected due to no heat or redness.  I was given Ibuprofen and a splint, told to follow up tomorrow if no improvement.  They sugest bloodwork to test for uric acid or arthritis.  he said possibly gout, but that is usually more painful.  I do eat a high red meat diet, with higher purine foods- ie aspargus and beans.

I do not recall injuring it enough to cause anything like this.  i do crick my knuckles- old habit I am slowly breaking- but that has never given me problems either.  I have started cold compress today and occasional war, Ill see what that does.

Just looking for ideas on what this could be :).
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I'm 48 and woke up about three weeks ago with a swollen left middle finger joint.  I could not close it.  I iced it and it felt a little better but did not go away.  This has come and gone for three weeks now.  I have times when there is no swelling or pain and times when it really aches.  It is definitely on the inside of the finger joint on the index finger side.
I do not have insurance but I will be seeing the doctor in a few weeks if this does not heal.  I have no fevers and the joint is not hot or warm when I touch it to my lips.  There is no redness.
Meanwhile I have found some things that help if anyone else has this.
First, go to the drug store or Walmart and get self adhering sports compression bandages.  They come in a roll.  Snipping off about 3 is all you need.  If I wrap the finger at night, no swelling or loss of mobility in the morning.
Secondly, I started adding a couple of drop of Oil of Oregano all around the joint before bandaging.  Immediately I felt relieve.  The anti-inflammatory ingredients in it actually penetrate to the joints and ligaments and create a sort of "shut off" from the body attacking it.

Ibuprophen - 500MG will also take this away for hours and it will stay away for hours after it wears off, but who wants to take that forever.

Odd thing is that it's certain motions that hurt it - ripping open a bag of stuff, etc.  Yet I can lift very heavy things without any pain.  

This is the same arm I had lymph nodes removed from from a mastectomy, so while I think maybe a cortisone shot may help it, I am not supposed to have needles in that hand or arm due the lymphedema risk.  

I hope everyone is healed from this thing.  
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I also do a lot of outdoor work with my hands, and wrapping the finger while Im working seems to protect it.  
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If you find out what yours is let me know s I have lost the same exact problem.. Just woke up and it was like yours.. As long as I keep it straight it's just a little achy but then I have to put it in warm water to be able to bend it at all.. Aspirin seems to ease pain when bending a little.. I'll wait few days and if it doesn't t see up I'll have to go to doctor to make sure it's not anything serious. I am thinking arthritis flare up.i am 65
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18512486 tn?1465476663
Need to know if anyone can help me figure out what is going on with my right index finger.  It hurts so dang bad, im in tears. I woke up to severe pain in my fingers, or so I thought. By night fall Ive realized that the pain is actually from just my dominant index (pointer) finger... and localized pain is just at the 2ND knuckle  (big one in middle of finger ) It is so intense I thought it was all my fingers but its not. I have not injured it in any way but Its throbbing, burning and extremely painful. Slight swelling directly around the knuckle and I can straighten it with little strain and little pain but I can only bend it maybe 1/4 of the way that I normally can and thats accompanied by severe pain. On top of my knuckle looks like two lines slightly puffed under skin (maybe tendons or nerves?) And the top is reddish. On the under side of knuckle is a slightly purplish-blue streak. Though the pain is radiating up and down my hand, when I press on my finger it only really hurts when I touch the outer top (towards thumb) portion of my knuckle. Please help. My car just went into the shop and my husband doesn't seem to want to take me to the hospital.  I need to know what it possible could be so I know what to do next. Ty.
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I woke up with this this morning.  I'm out of black cherry juice but I drank grapefruit juice with apple cider vinegar in it and took 3 capsules of turmeric.  The swelling has gone down.   I can bend my finger now with almost no pain.  For me, it's probably arthritis.  I broke this finger playing volleyball 26 years ago.  It's just now causing me a problem, but I'll go back on my daily ACV regimen to prevent it.
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Wondering if anyone has had an official diagnosis with these symptoms.  Index finger on dominant hand began hurting this morning and has deteriorated throughout the day.  It felt swollen at first and now it is swollen.  Range of motion in my finger is practically non-existent; I can't straighten it or bend it.  It's not red or hot, just swollen and extremely painful to the touch.
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wow, we all have the same problem, my left index finger. I'm not sure when it start but I think it was March of last year. I did went and see my primary and did X-ray, everything all right according to testing result. I am very in pain. I'm thinking of changing my primary dr. because she it seems like "oh it is a minor arthritis, take pain bills to ease the pain". Same saying for couple of month now. I'm in pain so much. She even mentioned to put ice for the swollen to go down, nothing is working. I am debating of changing a dr. or just ask her to more testing. And thank you I am writing down all the needs to be done here. I will have my dr. do all this testing mentioned. Hope we all feel better after all.
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There is a test to confirm gout which involves removal of fluid from the joint, and having a rheumatologist examine the sample under a special microscope for crystals.
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Get tested for iron overload or hemochromatosis.  This often affects the index finger joint.  
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Bingo !!!

Iron overload.

Last night I consumed the following:
A bottle of deep red Shiraz
A 2" thick 8 oz filet beefsteak
Steak cooked on portable Coleman stove in two cast iton frypans with possible rust (iron) .
All the above suggest iron.

What to do now that I have the symptoms? Will try ice and research excessive iron and how to counter it.
The main form of treatment for hemochromatosis is therapeutic phlebotomy, which involves having a certain amount of blood drawn to remove the excess iron from the body. At first, phlebotomy may be necessary 1-2 times per week until iron levels return to normal. This could take from a few months to over a year, depending on the amount of excess iron in the body. When normal levels are reached, blood must be removed around 2-4 times per year to prevent build up of excess iron.
Following certain dietary recommendations can also help decrease the rate of iron build up. These include avoiding supplemental iron, and limiting the intake of red meat and iron-fortified cereals. Because large amounts of vitamin C enhance iron absorption and cast iron cookware leaches iron into the intestinal tract, vitamin C supplements and cast iron pots and pans should also be avoided. Drinking tannin-rich tea, on the other hand, may help reduce iron-absorption. Remember that dietary restrictions do not cure hemochromatosis. Phlebotomy is still necessary to remove the excess iron that has already built up. To avoid liver damage, alcohol should be limited and raw shellfish should be avoided.
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Also have the exact same.  Finger is slightly swollen and i cant bend it all the way. Feels extremely swollen and tight, but only swollen a little. but No injury to it and xray shows nothing. Did you ever get an answer??
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I've had this issue on and off for half a year now. I am a heavy drinker and am thinking the purines are causing gout. It comes and goes, middly knucke dominant index finger. I also am an avid drummer though and always attributed it to that. Now I am more worried. I plan to bring it up to my doctor next visit.
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Well I guess I am next. Out of the blue, 48 hours ago, I noticed the knuckle in the middle of my left (dominant) index finger hurt when I tried to bend it. It does not hurt at any other time except when I put pressure on the top of it. Also, it is slightly swollen and I feel pressure, from the swelling, in the knuckle along with the pain when I try to flex it. It is not a stinging pain but a sore pain and only on top of the knuckle. I just turned 60 and have never had anything like this before. Very strange. From what I understand about gout it, the big toe is the usual target but it can happen to any joint. I studied this for a friend that had gout and tart cherry juice helped him get over his bouts of gout so he now drinks the juice regularly. I have some tart cherry juice and I will try that along with some ibuprofen and let you know. Also, for those of you with pain at the base of the finger and or clicking/popping when you bend your finger, what I read points to tendinitis as the problem, which ibuprofen should help with as well.
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Ok I'm in your club and I'm 65 .. Just got up in morning and right index finger was stiff and painful when I bend it and it's swollen.. Cannot tell if it's the first knuckle or second.. This getting old is for the birds!! Lol
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64 y/o male.  I have mostly morning stiffness/pain in the center knuckle of my middle finger, non-dominant hand.  It loosens up with time as I work the finger, but bending usually makes a click/pop sound and sensation.  No real swelling or redness indicated.  Many years ago I had this finger bent way back but was not broken.

No similar problems with other joints.  I generally try my hand held massager and some bengay type cream.  Have not tried any NSAIDs for just one joint, but am researching what supplements might help.  I can straighten all my fingers forward in a "knife" position, where the fingers have a slight upward curve, but that joint has some ache to it, but I do that as a "stretch" exercise.

Have not tried any doctor type people.  Same with having anyone work on my car, I learn as much about it as possible on my own first.  I can get RA blood test or most any other type of bloodtest through Life Extension, and they have doctors to consult with as well for free.
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I've been seeing a rhematologist for over a year. This last month has been the toughest because of increased swelling and pain in my non-dominant index finger. It happens out of no where and gets to the point where it becomes dis colored and is totally useless!  Diagonosis is RA and Psoriatic Arthritis. I have tried multiple medications which have provided little help. I start embrel tomorrow, adding it to methotrexate that I am already on.

I thought I was crazy but it's comforting to know I'm not alone. Good luck all
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You sound like you have the same problem I have. Mind is definitely arthritis it's the knuckle of my index knuckle at Palm. I am 62 yrs old played sports most my life. I also worked a job using hands. .. I have flare ups about every 7 or 8 mos.. I get an injection into the joint works really well. But when it flares up I can relate with you. The injection help a lot. I would go see a hand specialist.
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You sound like you have the same problem I have. Mind is definitely arthritis it's the knuckle of my index knuckle at Palm. I am 62 yrs old played sports most my life. I also worked a job using hands. .. I have flare ups about every 7 or 8 mos.. I get an injection into the joint works really well. But when it flares up I can relate with you. The injection help a lot. I would go see a hand specialist.
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Did you get any diagnosis? Seems a bunch of us have the same thing and it is not a one time thing.
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I have the same thing. few days ago my index finger (right hand) started feeling weird. Some pain was felt on top of it in the middle phalanx. Then i noticed by comparing with my other index finger it was a little bit swollen. I can bend it, but with work it closes all the way. It is the second time this happens to me.
First time it happened lasted for a few days. I thought i had some bug bite or a bad move that swollen my finger a bit and gave me that pain. Now that this has happened again and hurts a bit in the same place i am looking for answers. If there are some people like us there must be something that triggers it or a symptom for another thing.
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The right index finger knuckle swells and hurts in the evenings and by mid morning it subsides. The pain radiates through the right shoulder into the mid section of my back. Can anyone suggest a treatment? As I have no insurance, I was wondering if there is a over the counter medication that would help. This happens only from Mid fall through March. I do yoga and am quite active otherwise.
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Add me to the list of folks with this weird malady.  Non-dominant index finger, base knuckle, every now and then, sporadically, excruciatingly sharp pain to the touch on the underside of the finger at that base area.  Even feel the same pain when holding the finger in certain positions.  Other positions, no pain.  Seems a little swollen.  But the main symptom is a sharp stabbing pain as if it was broken - but it isn't.  What the heck is doing that?
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Let's hope it never comes back.

If it does and you have the insurance, have it tested for gout.
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Update- I made a Doctors appointment and was examined. He had no conclusion for the swollen finger and prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine. My finger was at it's worst Sunday and Monday and then started getting better on it's own as each day went by. By Friday (Today) the swelling was completely gone and mobility is back to almost 100%. I did not take the anti-inflammatory medicine because it was getting better on it's own. I still have no idea what caused it but it went away a little slower than it arrived.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Good luck... and use the Force.
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Thanks, the swelling and pain did not decrease today and I will make a doctors appointment tomorrow.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Yes, compression can bring down swelling, as can ice, elevation, and rest. However, that's the treatment for sprains.

Knowing nothing of your medical history, this sounds like an attack of gout. If so, it will last a couple of weeks or more, and nothing helps much with the pain.

But this could be any number of problems and not gout. I'm not a doctor and don't make diagnoses. Seek medical advice if you want a professional answer.

Naprosyn will work better than ibuprofen for the pain, but a prescription NSAID, Indomethacin is indicated for the pain of a gout attack. Call your doctor. It's not controlled and he can phone it in.

There is a test to confirm gout which involves removal of fluid from the joint, and having a rheumatologist examine the sample under a special microscope for crystals.

Gout is caused by a high level of purines, which are present in a diet high in meat, alcohol, shellfish, and a variety of other foods. You can find more information online.

As I said, it may not be gout. If these attacks continue, get a confirmation diagnosis, as there is a prevention treatment -- a medication called allopurinol.

I had one of these attacks last winter in my feet -- first one, then the other, with a month's rest in between. Very painful. This was the first time it happened (I am in my 60s), and I thought it was gout, but I also have a chronic spine disease, and now believe it was a symptom of neuropathy.

If you have any questions, doubts, further symptoms, or complaints -- see your doctor.

Best wishes.
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