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I am suffering from Allergic Asthma, with chest pain.

Dear Sir, I am suffering from Allergic Asthma,.
I am on medication Monteluckast-10mg once daily, Fexofenadine-180mg once daily, Budamate rotacaps-400mg twice daily and Nasal Spray- Azelastine and FLuticasone. I have chest pain in the right side of my chest, it is like piercing something from inside and tightness in the upper part of the chest.

Having IgE value- 498

In Chest X-Ray the report is:

1. Increased vascularity is noted in the left parahilarand right paracardiac area.
2.No evidence of filtration.
3.The costophrenic angles are clear.
4. The Right Mediastinal Prominence is seen.
5. The cardiac outline is normal.

Is this report normal? How it can be trreated.
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