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2 kids with asthma

I have 2 kids, 6 and 8 months. Both have asthma. My 6 year old has allergic asthma and my 8 month old was diagnosed with enviromental asthma. I feel educated and all that I am just looking for a parent that is dealing with this too. Its hard and stressful. Baby has be hospitalized 3 times and I am distributing breathing med and nose spray daily. How do I deal with enviromental asthma with A baby? I've already done air purifiers etc...I'm just overwhelmed. Advise please!
4 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
If the  children have had prednisone or antibiotics this encourages the over-producgtion of candida, a yeast/fungal pathogen. This worsens asthma. High sugar and carbohydrate diets also worsen asthma. Candida is often neglected and doctors do not usually test for it.

Fortunately I was alert to the problem. My doctor tested me and it came back positive. Now it is being treated and my condition is improving.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
how do you treat candida?
I have a nebulizer but gave up hope on using it.  I'm not sure you can use it for kids?
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757137 tn?1347196453
Yes, children use nebulizers to treat asthma. You should speak to you doctor about this. As for candidiasis, I mentioned above what causes it, so those are things to avoid. Since the children are so young I would look to advice from their doctor as to specific treatment. Some of what I do may not be suitable for them..
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What does candidiasis have to do with my post? I was asking how to deal with environmental asthma in infants.
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