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Advair Subsitute

I went away for the weekend and forgot to pack my Advair, is there an over the counter medication I can take if necessary?
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1776914 tn?1318615677
no i am afraid not you use to could buy primatine mist but i think they took it off the counter so to speak. there is some things you can do if you have an attack. one is hot black coffee no sugar no cream the hotter you can drink it the better. they say going in the bathroom and turning on the shower and breath in the steam.
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Sorry, but there is no substitute.  If you really need it the long-acting broncho-dilater component will be what you miss the most.  Depending on your dosage, you may have some withdrawal symptoms from suddenly stopping the inhaled corticosteroid.  If you take your medicine as soon as you get home, that should help.  

Over the weekend, make sure that you avoid triggers as much as you can.  You may want to increase allergy medication.  Also, if needed, using your rescue inhaler as much as needed should keep you out of trouble.  

If things do start to get out of control, go to an ER immediately.

Have a great weekend.

God bless.
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