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Can Methacholine cause Asthma

I'm a 29 YOF. My doctor wanted me to take the methacholine chalIenge becasue I do, occasionally, have breathing difficulties.  I have type 1 diabetes and sometime wonder if I get confused with my body trying to release the acidity build up in my blood (DKS symptoms) or if I am really having a hard time breathing.  I took the methochline challenge test yesterday and my readings were wonderful (well over 100% before and after).  I did have some difficulties during the test, but I suppose nothing like someone who is truly ashmatic.  The nurse said that I did wonderfully through all 6 steps of the mehocholine inhalations.  Although during the test, after and a now a day later I still have tightening of the chest and my throat is swollen.  How long does it take to recover from this testing - will my lungs & throat be the same again?  Could it be that this test is causing me to develop & or make my symptoms worse even a day after?  The nurses say that things are fine & my breathing is wonderful.  If things are so great then why am I feeling this way?

Thank you for you valued time!    
3 Responses
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425580 tn?1223925665
In my case it seemed like it took several weeks. My doctor said that it shouldn't affect me that long ...but it did.

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Hi, I'm going on 5 weeks with asthma after Methacholine?  Not sure if it will ever go away?  What's your thoughts?
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Thanks!  I went in to the doctor becasue it got so bad.  My back was hurting, but my chest X-Ray came back normal.  The doc said that it may be that I strained the muscles and that some people actually break ribs.  He put me on "Mobic" for the pain, but Mobic has only been out since 2002 - It does seem to ease the pain though.  After your test did you feel weird even after a week?  Thanks again for your help!  
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425580 tn?1223925665
Sorry that you are feeling so pooly. From what I understand, methacholine will trigger an asthma flareup in people who do have asthma, causing a drop in peak flow of 20%. If you don't have asthma your reaction will be less, causing a drop less than 20%.

When I took the test I was hypersensitive for awhile afterward but returned to normal eventually. I did test positive for asthma so my experience with methacholine may be different than yours. Methacholine is an irritant so some reaction is to be expected I suppose.

I hope you're feeling better.

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I was wondering how long U weren't feeling well, I've been asthmatic after the test now for 5 weeks?
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