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Hi I am having so much trouble breathing for about a week.  What does an asthma attack feel like, is there discomfort in the middle of the chest.  Is it hard to walk even a few steps.  please help, i feel scared.
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1386405 tn?1291587800
i guess really it depends on the severity of it, to me it feels like someone squeezing my lungs and sitting on my chest making it harder and harder to breath until I take my inhaler then there is a lot of coughing like raspy kinda with a good amount of wheezing it's HORRIBLE  
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You should see a doctor.  That is the only way to really find out what is going on.  Many asthmatics don't wheeze, so go can't judge by that.  Manuy people do get hoarse though.

Take care of yourself and have this checked out.
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