170935 tn?1225371076

Asthma symtoms. please advise

I was i diagnosed with asthma when i was a child. Used to have it quite bad when i was younger but haev been symptom free more or less for the past 10 years. The only time i need to use my rescue inhaler is when i have a cold or flu.
Recently i have been sufferring with cold like symptoms alot and i think my asthma is back. Since it has been 10 years since my last asthma episode i'm not sure what to make of my symptoms.
My question is, is it possible for your asthma to suddenly return? My symptoms are tight chest and dry cough. My rescue inhaler helps for a few hours at a time. Do you get a dry cough during an asthma episode. Also my asthma  only seems to flare up different times during the day not all day long. Please advise, what are typical asthma symptoms and does it sound like my asthma is back??
2 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi, I'm a mom to two teens with asthma and I have sufferd from RAD myself only with illness and what you describe does sound like it is being triggered by your illness but I'm not a Doctor.  I would talk with your dr about it and stay on the meds.  I would get as you describe and the cough would subside with the albuterol inhaler .. when they put me on flovent for the inflammation (not a wheeze) only then did it finally go away and I, too, have been symptom free to a major degree since about 10yrs.   I got awfu sinus infections that went into bronchitis and RAD and pollen was a huge trigger for me.

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170935 tn?1225371076
thanks for the input! I was diagnosed with sinusitis first but don't need antibiotics and i am sure this is the root of the problem. My doc prescribed a steroid spray which is not really working. I still get a stuffy nose and unpleasant mucus in my mouth which i am certain is going to leave me with a chest infection but my doc just won't listen!
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