439860 tn?1204672348


I have had Asthma for a long while now, But for several months i havn't had any problems with it, i had no need to take my inhaler as often ( even though i probably should have still been taking it)  Now,for the past couple of weeks, i'm constantly needing to take deep breaths, it's uncomfortable and my chest is a bit tight, there's no wheezing though.
Would be great if you could help me understand why this is happening. Thanks.
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i have had asthma for a while too, maybe you've just become conscious of your breathing, meditation and breathing exercises do help. your dr will help you
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492869 tn?1285018933
Do you have a preventative inhaler, and a rescue inhaler?  Was it the preventative inhaler that you stopped taking?  I would suggest taking a treatment next time these symptoms appear, to see if it eases your discomfort.  Either way, you should probably see your doctor.
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i wandering if you might have anxiety have you been to the docters. I have had the same oroblem for a month or more soo unconfortable when breathing and i feel out of breath consistantly i thought it was my asthma to because if a tight hest but had no wheezing to back it up. Anyhow apparently i have hyperventilation syndrome. I am real concerned and i am convinced it is serious the anxiety part. Hope t all goes ok but go to your docter just to check
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