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Breathing in problems.

Hi, my name is Fadwa and I am 17 years old. I woke up today feeling sharp pain in my chest/lung area and up through my throat. I am having a lot of trouble breathing in and feel like its an infection somewhere but I can't pinpoint where because it hurts throughout my chest and into my throat. It doesn't hurt when I cough or when I'm in an upright sitting position but it hurts a lot when I lay down probably because of gravity. I also get very dizzy like when I went up the stairs I almost blacked out. This has never happened to me before until this morning and I've never had any symptoms of allergies or asthma. Completely healthy, until today.
2 Responses
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651194 tn?1224034919
You should visit a doctor, this sounds like what happens to me when i get bronchitis or pneumonia
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656452 tn?1332783935
How are you doing?  I hope you went to the Dr with your symptoms.  Please update us.  It can be from bronchitis causing such sharp pains or a myriad of other things that only an in person live visit with a dr. can determine.
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