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Paranoid about my situation

I have asthma, not a severe case, but every now and then I have flare ups.  But recently I've been having this weird feeling in my throat, as if there is some heavy liquid stuck in side. It's not excatly painful, but it's very uncomfomfortable. At times it imakes it hard to breathe and swallow. I get this feeling while and after eating, and also right when I'm about to go to sleep. Mom tells me it's just allergies, but I have this feeling that it's something more. A few weeks ago while playing basketball, I was accidently bumped in the throat with someones elbow. It hurt  very much, even a week later. So mom took me to an Eyes, ears throat doctor. He said nothing was wrong with me. But I'm still concerned, I don't know if my throat discomfort is linked to that basketballl accident, if it is just allergies, or if it is something much more serious. Please help me
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746512 tn?1388807580
It probably is inflammation, either from the allergies or accident.  Try taking advil (1 pill every 4-6 hours minus bedtime) for a couple of days to see if it helps.  

Make sure you are drinking enough water and getting enough sleep to help your body heal.  Omega 3s and vitamin C help the immune system and inflammation, so eat a lot of fish and citrus fruit.  

If it is still bothering you in 2-3 days then time for a repeat doctor's visit and maybe more in depth evaluation.
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739856 tn?1265826808
Please schedule an appt with a GI Doctor asap~ it sounds like you could have GERD (acid reflux). It can lead to Barrett's Disease which can quickly turn cancerous. I thought I was having asthma attacks for years when in fact it was acid reflux...it has now turned to Barrett's Disease...you should definitely trust your 'gut' and see a Gastrointestinal doctor as soon as possible.
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best advise, follow what Tammy009 reports. It would also be what I recommend.
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