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Can't get a deep breath / Difficulty in Breathing

em 18 years old....when i breath in ....it does feel like the lungs are full and i have to take another breath soon after.Its the worst when em trying to sleep, em half asleep and i  wake up gasping for breath coz it feels like em just not getting enough air and i get panicy in my sleep and wake up.....this has been happening since the last 3-4 years.....
I don't know wt 2do....
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
The air hunger feeling could also be anxiety and panic attacks (which yes can wake you up at night).

I would talk to your doctor about getting some lung function tests to see if it's lung based or not and then talk about the possibility of anxiety related issues - VERY common for young adults.
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757137 tn?1347196453
It could be asthma. Try taking Benadryl, an over-the-counter anti-histamine. If it relieves your symptoms you have an instant diagnosis.
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