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Can't take full breaths- nervous

Hi Doc

I seem to be having trouble with taking deep breaths and yawning for the last week, almost like I constantly find myself starving for oxygen.  It's like I can take 70-80% of the breath but then my lungs cut me off saying "Nope no more".  Sometimes, I am able to successfully pull the breath in, but other times and it seems like most of the time I can't.  I had a cold last week that had me conjested with post nasal drip, but all of that seemed to have subsided and I'm not coughing up anything so I don't think it's mucus related unless it's stuck there.

Also, Albuterol and Advair inhalers do not seem to help this, nor do exertion drugs for conjestion, which had me very spoked.

I visited the doc yesterday, and took a pulminary test to rule out any serious COPD conditions.  Naturally, everything came back great (little over 5 liters).  He could not give me an answer as to what this is.  He just shrugged and said "Stop smoking".  I know that quitting smoking would help, and in fact I'm doing it now, but I didn't think smoke had anything to do with this type of condition.

I even ran 2 miles in 20 minutes on the threadmill without being significantly out of breath!

What do you think this could be?  I heard this could be anxiety related and I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, and recently tapered off Klonopin.  I also heard things about overbreathing and "breathing consciousness" which could add anxiety.  I mean sometimes it happens even when I don't feel anxious.  And I also didn't think this would create a problem like this almost all day for a fully week This is very strange and I'm very concerned.  

I have trouble doing normal activities with this, and wouldn't think this would continue for a week as a chest cold, after my intial cold went away.  Anything else I take for this so I can breath normally?  I still cough up slight mucus here and there.

Your input would be well appreciated.

4 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
Assuming you have had a chest x-ray and it was normal, what you describe is most likely due to anxiety.  This is also suggested by the fact that you ran 2 miles in 20 minutes on the treadmill, without shortness of breath, yet state that "I have trouble doing normal activities with this."  Assuming these activities do not require near the effort involved in running 2 miles, also suggests anxiety, as does the normal spirometry.

You might want to reconsider what's going on in your life and if there is anything that might make you tense and prone to focus on your breathing.
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By the way, I'm a 25 year old Male.  I was also DIAGNOSED with mild asthma about 10 years ago which is now making me question if I really have it.
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Hey jimmy,
I had the same situation about a year ago...
It ended up that I had(and still sometimes have) 'silent' GERD and stomach inflammation.  

I had made it worse by drinking and sitting all day at work.

It is very common.  

I took me a while (and a lot of stress) to actually figure out this was a stomach issue! (plus my primary care doctor was an idiot.  )

anyway, I thought i was going to die, but it was very minor.
from your description its sounds like the exact same thing I went through (i'm 26)...

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Hey there.

I'm 26 and your symptons sound exactly like what i've been worrying about. I've had it on and off for 5 years. Not constantly, but on and off. Not neccessarily when i'm feeling anxious either. I could be sitting watching TV, and have the sudden urge to fill my lungs up with air, which sometimes happens , but sometimews doesn't happen.

Jimmy's first paragraph -  seem to be having trouble with taking deep breaths and yawning for the last week, almost like I constantly find myself starving for oxygen.  It's like I can take 70-80% of the breath but then ,my lungs cut me off saying "Nope no more".  Sometimes, I am able to successfully pull the breath in, but other times and it seems like most of the time I can't.

This is an exact description of how it is, i have had difficulty in describing it in the past but this sums it up.

My mother thinks its nervous asthma, my wife is worried. I 've been to the doctor who gave me all the checks (which were fine - blood test, lung capacity test, X-ray, the works........). He eventually gave me an asthma pump, but at the same tim telling me that i didn't have asthma. My life is busy - but thats not gonna change cos thats life. I don't drink a lot, my diet isn't bad but i am a light smoker. I'm fed up of it now. Not only is it uncomfortable, but very embarrising when i'm in situations like work or in a conversation with someone and i'm tryin my hardest to catch that last bit of breath that would fuill my lungs up too the capacity!! (Thats what it feels like!!)

Anyways, I'm ready to see the doctor again about it, but i don't what him passing it off as Anxiety and giving me anxiety tabs, cos i don't feel anxious! Hope i can get some comments before i visit my doctor again. The last time i visited was about 2 years ago. I will go for maybe 2 or 3 months a time without doing it, then do it for weeks on end.

A doctors comments would be welcomed as well as those relating to what i have.
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