1014527 tn?1251057498

Chest Tightness/Discomfort


Recently I had a very stressing situation. Over a month ago I had a panic attack and was submitted to the ER, everything came back normal with the exception of some restriction in my lungs(they did a bloodclot, ECG, and blood pressure test). I was given anxiety medicine for a short time and been having a constant chest burning sensation. My GP about two weeks later did some tests and found scarring around my lungs, and that my peak flow was pretty bad(believe he said 80-84%) and gave me Qvar(steroid inhaler) and ProAir(rescue inhaler), as well as a nebulizer.

My doctor also said I could be suffering from acid reflux because I've been having bad indigestion/burping with whatever I ate/drank, and gave me a trial of AcipHex. Things seems to have slightly improved for a small amount of time but I could never shake off this tightness of chest/tightness on full breathing.

One concern was I had thick, yellow-dark yellow mucus for a few days straight at work(I work as a stocker overnight/around dust/etc.) and my temperature was fine. As well as this discomfort in my chest which is located about dead square middle of my breast cavity, sometimes in the ribcage/sternum with sensitivity touching below the sternum. I also report this mucus-like feeling in the back of my throat that is impossibly hard to clear, and when I do it's a small amount and clear.

My question, does this sound like a possible infection/inflammation? There's no sharp pains when breathing, though some dull-like tightness/discomfort when I do take a deep breathe. Could stress play a huge role in making my asthma/chest discomfort this bad?

P.S- I have taken OTC Mucinex and Claritin but they have proved to be not so effective.
3 Responses
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1014527 tn?1251057498
Forgot to mention, but I have been experiencing irregular sore throat on top of everything listed above.
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168348 tn?1379357075
I would see a doctor for exam .... it may need some meds other than otc as you are taking .. the throat could be all related or related to a post nasal drip but I'm only a patient and cannot diagnose.  Since it's lingering with symptoms, I'd get checked.


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I'm having similar issues. I went swimming at an indoor water park yesterday for about 1.5 hours and I woke up with thick green mucus in my sore throat and my chest is kind of tight and wheezy and every time I cough my throat and chest hurt and my nose is plugged.
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