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Clenil 50

Hi there,

I have suddenly gotten myself worried about something and was hoping someone might please be able to help. My six year old son is allergic and is prone to viral induced wheezy episodes. He had a spell in hospital last year for a couple of days and is now taking a preventative Clenil 50 inhaler one puff am and pm. He takes this with a spacer. I am breastfeeding my two year old. Sometimes when I administer the inhaler, as he breathes in and out I can smell or taste the medicine. I usually assume that the amount going into me is minute as it's coming out into the air although I usually try to duck out of the air flow! Is this medicine going into my younger child through my breast milk please?
Best Answer
144586 tn?1284666164
You ask a really good question. Clenin 50 contains a very low dose corticosteroid, and you can easily inhale some of the aerosol if he uses a spacer. Probably, just a teensey weensey amount. The best thing is to hold your breath while administering the medication to your child, and gargle with water afterwards. Theoretically, yes, you are receiving a dose, but practically speaking the dose will be insignificant..
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Thanks so much, so my nursling's dose is really negligible?
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144586 tn?1284666164
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