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Cold Beverages cause violent coughing

Everytime I drink a cold glass of water or some other beverage, I get a rattling cough that's hard to clear. There's mucus and the effects last for up to an hour. Same thing happens after being outside in the cold weather. Difficult to take a deep breath and deep burning in my lungs. I've never had any breathing problems before....I'm 25.
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372680 tn?1228161610
For asthmatics (especially those with exercise-enduced), cold air or cold beverages (especially thicker ones, like milk shakes or smoothies) can cause coughing and an increase in asthma-symptoms.  

Avoid cold water, it's bad for your digestion anyway, and go for room-temp.

If you've never had breathing problems before, I wouldn't worry too much about it, but you can always see a doctor.
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Thank you, cold drinks and air always bother me when it's bad allergy season. My asthma is under control but when I drink cold ice tea I cough my brains out! I appreciate your info on the post above. I thought I was crazy. It's been going on since I was 14 almost 20 years now..
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