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Hi Doc

I posted a couple of weeks ago about a deep breathing difficulty I have been having.  Well the problem is still here, but I have a few more concerns I wanted to address.

To recap on my problem, for the last month I have had this difficulty with deep breathng.  This issue is on and off for the most part, but more times than not, I cannot take a deep breath, and sometimes I find myself very hungry for air and I force myself to do an "extra" deep chest breath.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  

I am a 25 year old male, and current smoker for 10 years.  I have a history of anxiety disorder, and in fact have just been weaned off Klonopin over 3 weeks ago (tapering since July) and down to nothing since Thanksgiving.

I received a spirometry and came back normal (almost 6 liters, and I am 6'2).  I've been taking this Advair/Singular for a few years for mild ashma issues.  Is it possible for the Advair 250/50 and Singulair to "mask" COPD when taking the spirometry test?  I realize I am young and it is said that COPD as a rule isn't diagnosed until as early as age 45.

I'm still running on the treadmill fine 1-2 miles for 15-20 minutes.  I also was running around on the wrestling mats refing a tournament all day, non-stop without actually being "out of breath".  I even took a police test which required me to run a mile and a half in 12 minutes which I did without dropping to the floor when I was done, and this was back in September.

I'm really scared that I am the exception of having some COPD at this age since this has been happening for a while.  I was also told that COPD doesn't hit suddenly, rather comes on gradually.  Note I have had these simular deep breathing problems in High School as I remember, but obviously went away.

What do I have to be worried about?  Could it still be lingering anxiety/withdrawal from the Klonopin?  Does the inhaler/steriods "mask" COPD?  Maybe an underlying allergy to the smokes?

Thank you in advance.
4 Responses
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I don't have any family history of Alpha-1 as far back as I know.  If you are correct about the Advair/Singulair not masking COPD, then I think I'm in good shape.  I'll have to see how the doc on here responds.  Thanks for your input and good luck with your condition.
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351724 tn?1267537018
P.S.  so sry forgot to mention too , ask your doctor to do an aphla-1  test on you !!!! if u do have copd and at your age it might be genetic ! which is they will have to treat you totaly differant from reg copd. the genetic kind (emphasema) will progress a lil faster than the reg copd . ...........2young
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351724 tn?1267537018
hello there jimmy, i am a 31 y/o female  . who was just diag about 2 months ago with asthma and COPD . well thats what i was told . ive been to my doctor several times and only had a chest x-ray done and a spirometry done which was a totaly mess up they put the wrong height in for me . almost 1ft differance. lmfaoo excuse my french but the nurse was a (dum arse ) lol anyways ive smoked for 18 yrs on and off about 1 to 2 packs a day . they said i had moderate obstruction to my lungs and airways. and that i have asthma . well i went back to my doctor and told him that my new meds were really working to well that i felt like i did when i first came into his office. Then i had to go to the E.R Saturday. come to find out that i have an upper respatory infection with bronchitis . so my doc overlooked that. which isnt to surprising cause to me he seems to be trying to do this on his own and not send me to a pulm doc. Anywys im trying to say is get all the tests you can  GO to a pulmanary doc there the ones who speicalises in lungs  NOT REG PHY. ...BEST of luck to you !!! .........2young

p.s. oh and i dont think they mask COPD, copd   is treatable but not cureable . cortisteriods help strenthen your lungs some . and another thing QUIT SMOKING !!!!  thats the biggest thing you should do because smoking cigs are damaging your lungs and airways the more u smoke the longer u smoke , the more your lungs will be less productive !!!! not to mention your heart will go right along with it !!!
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242588 tn?1224271700
Since your pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are normal, you do not have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The Advair™ Diskus® (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Powder 250/50 and Singulair® (montelukast sodium) would not “mask” COPD when taking the spirometry test.

This could definitely be lingering anxiety/withdrawal from the Klonopin® (clonazepam).
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