1185315 tn?1288907489


I have had this problem for about 6 months maybe. I haven't gone to the Dr. because it hasn't really botheres me too much. It hasn't really gotten any worse but it is still annoying to me. I will try and explain the best I can but it's kinda hard to explain. It is only when I inhale....When I take a deep breath it's like a feeling when you have been crying for a long time and you're like sobbing. It's like that. When I breath in it's like im sobbing and trying to catch my breath. Hard to explain....I hope someone understands what Im saying. I have been reading about Asthma and I think maybe that could be it. I do have weezing and coughing. but I also smoke. Soooooo, That could be a factor too even though I don't smoke much, I do smoke.
So any opinions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Asthma normally involves trouble breathing on the exhale or inhale and exhale.  Vocal chord dysfunction is a more likely problem.  

It uses speech therapy to work through problems.  Most doctors don't know that much about it so best is to do some research and bring it to the appointment with you.

Good luck.
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144586 tn?1284666164
You really need to go to a clinic and get a full pulmonary examination.

What Tammy2009 suggested is likely, but you won't know for sure until you get a professional evaluation. You need a physician to auscultate your lung fields anterior and posterior, four quadrants.

Not a "rush", but put this on your list of "things to do."
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