325405 tn?1262290178

Gurgling same as wheezing?

I'm gurgling instead of wheezing.  Does that mean my asthma is worse or I am getting some kind of respiratory infection?  My inhaler isn't doing that much but Vick's Vapor rub seemed to open my airways more.  Also have been taking some Mucinex D.  I can't go to the doctor because my husband is travelling on business, we've recently moved and I have no friends or family I can ask to watch my daughter and I do not want to take her to a walk-in clinic and wait for 3 hours to be seen (she has autism and I am imaging she would probably have a meltdown that I don't have the energy to deal with).  I also don't have a regular doctor yet and I can't seem to get in anywhere.  So, I'm stuck to doing things like hot showers, inhaling steam, etc.  At least until Saturday morning.  Just gotta make it through one more day.  Just wondering why I'm gurgling when I deep breathe.  It's sort of like wheezing but sounds wierder like there's gunk down in my lungs.  

Hoping anyone had any insight on the different noise and if there are other things I can do... like if there's a certain tea that I could drink that might ease the asthma symptoms.  Or teas I should avoid.  
3 Responses
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499534 tn?1328704178
I feel so bad for you....you are in a tough situation being alone in a strange new community. If you get bad enough today you need to get medical attention. I am not so sure that the mucinex is a good idea unless dr says so....it may be moving too much stuff for you to handle right now. Keep smearing the Vicks on you. I myself am fighting asthma for the first time in 10 yrs....bronchitis set it off. The gurgling sounds like infection, unless it is due to the mucinex. Anything with menthol or eucalyptus in it is good to sniff and or drink if it is in tea form. Also moist heat packs on chest and back is of great help. Stay away from dairy right now.  If you do need to go to clinic try to make it a neat fun experience for your daughter....peak her interest so she doesn't feel your stress and react to it. God Bless you and let me know what you find out.
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627818 tn?1271777026
I've been there, too and it usually does mean an infection. I planned my own 50th birthday party and felt just crummy but the party must go on you know! Every time I laughed or talked I kind of crackled and gurgled - felt like an old fashioned percolator coffee pot! Needless to say I went in to doc the next day and I was a pretty sick puppy! Hope you can get in right away tomorrow! Hot tea is always soothing and helps relax the airways. Let us know what you find out! And take care of  yourself - that little girl needs you!
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325405 tn?1262290178
The flem (phlem? spelling?) isn't yellow or green, it's very clear, so the doctor at the walk-in clinic said it was asthma.  Nebulizer treatment wore off after about 6 hours, so I'm back in the same boat I was in before.  If I saw my doctor where I used to live, she would have probably put me on prednizone to get the asthma under control.  It's been a long while since I've had to do that, but I'd rather do it to get it under control.  *sigh*  I just wish I could find a good doctor on such short notice out here.  I feel like I live in the boonies.  
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