1047019 tn?1256719961

If asthma, play or not?

When you have asthma, do you have to do sports or you should not do sports? please help?
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
You can play sports but keep an eye on your breathing and make sure you have a rescue inhaler with you.  

Excerise is good for everyone, no matter what health conditions you have.
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I love long-distance running...cross country in particular.  I've run with untreated asthma for many years and it's really not a safe thing to do.  I've been caught in situations where I've had to stop and "wait out" coughing episodes, which can be very intense and long-lived.  I've also had to stop because I couldn't breathe, which isn't cool.  For the past few years, due to breathing issues, I've only run a handful of times.  My asthma is now being treated and I feel safe and comfortable running.  So nice :)

If your asthma is being treated and you have a rescue inhaler with you I think it's prefectly ok to go running and do other sports.  Exercising has extremely positive health benefits and should be done on a regular basis.  Like Tammy2009 said, keep an eye on your breathing and make sure you have your rescue inhaler with you...if you happen to have breathing problems be sure to use your rescue inhaler.  Albuterol works fast and will stop your coughing/improve your breathing quickly and you'll be on your merry way within minutes!  If your doctor tells you to pre-medicate before you exercise, be sure to do that because doing so will prevent breathing problems from starting in the first place.  That way, you shouldn't have any interuption in your activities!  You should still have your rescue inhaler with you, just in case.

Happy Trails.    

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