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my left upper back hurts when i take a deep breath

on friday i had a colonoscopy and yesturday my upper left back started hurting when i take a deep breath and when i bend forward i dont know if its a sore muscle or my lung.  I have a runny nose and scratchy throat.  My nose is running clear but the pain is so bad when i breath plus i am an asthmatic what do you think it is?
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242588 tn?1224271700
The pain you describe may or may not be related to the colonoscopy but you and your doctors, your primary care physician (PCP) and the doctor who did the colonoscopy, need to know for sure.  You especially need to know if it is related to the colonoscopy, as this would most likely require further treatment.

You should call to arrange to be examined, by either your doctor or the colonoscopist as soon as possible.  You should also have a chest x-ray.  If neither doctor can see you, you should go to the nearest ER.  This could be serious, so you must not delay.
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I woke up in the morning put some weight on my elbow for 2 sec felt a sharp pain in my lower left side of my back and it now hurts when i walk and lift things what can i do to get rid of this pain asap?
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